Cash & Liquidity Management
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Basel III: The Start of a New Era in Corporate Cash Management?

A corporate panel discussion hosted by Citi and moderated by TMI

One of the most significant and far-reaching regulatory developments over the past decade has been the introduction of Basel III. Basel III is a regulatory framework that aims to increase resilience in the banking system by strengthening banks’ capital requirements, reducing market liquidity risk, and improving the ability of banks to weather sustained periods of market stress. Banks are now in the process of implementing the new requirements, with an end date of 2019 for most banks, although some are set to complete their implementation before this date. The impact of Basel III is not restricted to banks, however, as their clients will also be affected by changes in their banks’ operating model, capital and liquidity requirements.

In this feature, inspired by a seminar hosted by Citi in association with the Dutch Association of Corporate Treasurers (DACT) in November 2015, senior treasurers from three leading corporations with treasury centres in the Netherlands discuss the impact that Basel III has had on their treasury activities to date, and how they envisage that these may be affected in the future.


    • Joris Janssen – Treasury Operations Manager EMEA, Mars Nederland B.V.
    • Bob de Vos – Director Treasury, Nielsen
    • Julia Rust – Senior Treasury Analyst, VimpelCom
    • Dimitrios Raptis – EMEA Core Cash Market Management Head, Treasury and Trade Solutions, Citi
    • Peter Cunningham – EMEA Consumer & Healthcare Sector Head, Treasury and Trade Solutions, Citi
    • Moderator – Helen Sanders, Editor, TMI

Sanders, TMI – How do you manage your operational flows today, and how has this been affected by your banks’ need to comply with Basel III and the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) so far?