Northern Trust Asset Management
Northern Trust Asset Management

Northern Trust Asset Management

Efficient liquidity solutions designed to deliver value in every market cycle.

As one of the largest cash and ultra-short managers in the world, we work with institutions to optimise their liquidity assets so they can achieve their short- and long-term objectives. We offer a broad range of solutions from AAA rated Money Market Funds to ultra-short strategies, uniquely tailored to investor cash flow requirements.





14:00 GMT


*As of 30 September 2024. Source: NTAM Finance.

Key Benefits

Principal Preservation

Strict risk‑controls and credit reviews ensure we never lose sight of this primary investment objective.

Responsible Investing

Established solutions that enable investors to support minority‑ and women‑owned firms

Liquidity Optimisation

Solutions designed to help clients meet their cash flow needs while maintaining optimal portfolio liquidity.

Competitive Yield

Responsible investing strategies managed to maximize current income while preserving principal and liquidity.

Latest News & Insights Across Global Liquidity Markets

Northern Trust Asset Management welcomes you to the Liquidity Link Newsletter, our monthly publication offering timely updates for liquidity investors around the world. Subscribe and receive timely updates on the U.S., U.K and Eurozone markets along with the latest:

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  • Thought leadership (including blogs, articles and case studies)

Monthly Newsletter:
Central Banks Set the Stage for a Measured Approach to 2025

Exclusive insight for TMI subscribers!
Northern Trust Asset Management share a monthly market commentary for treasurers.

Latest Chart of the Month:
January 2025

View Northern Trust Asset Management’s Chart of the Month, a visual resource for treasurers that provides insight into the latest market developments.

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How Treasurers Are Balancing Risk and Return in Short-term Investments

TMI’s latest annual short-term investment report uncovers six key themes impacting treasurers today. Hear from industry experts on achieving your short-term investment goals whilst maintaining a core focus on liquidity and capital preservation in this volatile and challenging environment.

Case Study

Looking beyond money market funds to achieve yield and diversification in a challenging rate environment.

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Case Study

More Market Insights

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Check Out Northern Trust Asset Management’s Approach to Money Market Solutions in EMEA

A global leader in liquidity strategies, focussed on conservative investment principles centred around:

  • Capital Preservation

  • Liquidity Management

  • Risk Adjusted Yield

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Forward-looking statements and assumptions are NTAM’s current estimates or expectations of future events or future results based upon proprietary research and should not be construed as an estimate or promise of results that a portfolio may achieve. Actual results could differ materially from the results indicated by this information.

Hypothetical portfolio information provided does not represent results of an actual investment portfolio but reflects representative historical performance of the strategies, funds or accounts listed herein, which were selected with the benefit of hindsight. Hypothetical performance results do not reflect actual trading. No representation is being made that any portfolio will achieve a performance record similar to that shown. A hypothetical investment does not necessarily take into account the fees, risks, economic or market factors/conditions an investor might experience in actual trading. Hypothetical results may have under- or over-compensation for the impact, if any, of certain market factors such as lack of liquidity, economic or market factors/conditions. The investment returns of other clients may differ materially from the portfolio portrayed. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific program that cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results. The information is confidential and may not be duplicated in any form or disseminated without the prior consent of NTAM.

This information is intended for purposes of NTI and/or its affiliates marketing as providers of the products and services described herein and not to provide any fiduciary investment advice within the meaning of Section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA). NTI and/or its affiliates are not undertaking to provide impartial investment advice or give advice in a fiduciary capacity to the recipient of these materials, which are for marketing purposes and are not intended to serve as a primary basis for investment decisions. NTI and its affiliates receive fees and other compensation in connection with the products and services described herein as well as for custody, fund administration, transfer agent, investment operations outsourcing and other services rendered to various proprietary and third party investment products and firms that may be the subject of or become associated with the services described herein.

Northern Trust Asset Management is composed of Northern Trust Investments, Inc. Northern Trust Global Investments Limited, Northern Trust Fund Managers (Ireland) Limited, Northern Trust Global Investments Japan, K.K, NT Global Advisors, Inc., 50 South Capital Advisors, LLC, , Northern Trust Asset Management Australia Pty Ltd, and investment personnel of The Northern Trust Company of Hong Kong Limited and The Northern Trust Company.


© 2024 Northern Trust Corporation. Head Office: 50 South La Salle Street, Chicago,