BELLIN reorganise management team with new appointment


Starting with the financial year 2016, Michael Juen, Executive Director of Sales & Consulting and treasury expert with over 20 years of experience, joins Martin Bellin and Roland Person as Managing Director of BELLIN. Sharing responsibilities between three managers strengthens sustainability and expertise in the group, while at the same time creating opportunities for creative growth and innovation.

“When I joined BELLIN a year ago, it was my ambition to bring added value to the business and to provide fresh impetus. Together, we have achieved many great things last year and created momentum for a number of positive developments. For me, becoming a Managing Director is confirmation that both sides have benefited from my work at BELLIN and that I can help ensure we’re on course for a successful future,” comments Michael Juen.

Having worked as a finance and treasury consultant for many years, Michael Juen’s process-oriented and holistic approaches strengthen the management team. He works closely with all customers and is always on top of market requirements and trends. This puts him in a great position to provide important input for advancing the business model and the system.

“Michael Juen with all his treasury expertise and experience is a key player and will represent a real asset to the management team. This provides an even more solid and comprehensive footing for our business,” explains Martin Bellin, founder and Managing Director of BELLIN.

Michael Juen will be responsible for consulting and sales business operations; Roland Person will continue to be responsible for application development and technologies; and Martin Bellin will focus more on strategic development and innovation management at BELLIN.

“Against the backdrop of BELLIN’s international growth it has become more important than ever that responsibilities are shared in order to provide the best possible service in our core markets and to create resources for new markets and continuous growth,” Juen explains.

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