Feel The Fear, And Do It Anyway
My Life in Treasury: Aimee Cullen Aimee Cullen, Head of Treasury, CarTrawler, is on a mission. As a committee member of the Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers (IACT), she is leading an initiative to raise awareness about the world of treasury “in the hope it will attract more people to the field”. She talks to […]
Treasury First – 20 Years of the EACT
As the European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT) celebrates its 20th anniversary during 2022, it is an appropriate moment to reflect upon its journey from being a group of professionals largely concerned with their own national concerns, to the visionary, receptive, and respected organisation it is today. The first associations of corporate treasurers in Europe […]
The High-Flyer With His Feet On The Ground
My Life in Treasury: Andrea Sottoriva Group Treasurer and Finance Director, SITA Some career paths appear random while others seem to plot a made-to-measure course. And then there are those people who know how to make the best of every occasion. Throughout his years as a treasurer, Andrea Sottoriva has been able to incorporate aspects […]
Adding Value with Veterans
From enlisting in the Australian Army straight out of high school, to now being Vice President in the Wholesale Payments group at J.P. Morgan, via offshore oil and gas drilling, Andrew Smith’s career trajectory has given him diverse and valuable insights to deploy in banking. Here, he speaks to Eleanor Hill about his career and […]
Natural Energy
My Life in Treasury: Valentin Popescu For Valentin Popescu, Head of Treasury, Risk and Insurance, OMV Petrom, the rise through the ranks of one of Romania’s largest corporates has presented plenty of opportunities to learn and grow. With his eye now on encouraging the next generation of treasurers to make its mark, he talks to […]
My Life in Treasury: Diane S. Reyes
The Long Goodbye On the cusp of retirement, Diane S. Reyes, Group General Manager and Head of Global Liquidity and Cash Management, HSBC, reflects fondly on her journey to the top. One of the most powerful women in banking, Reyes also shares her insights into forging a path in a man’s world, her hopes for […]
The Thrill of the New
My Life in Treasury: Patrick Kunz Patrick Kunz is an interim treasury and finance consultant. With experience in abundance to share with his clients, he understands that adaptability, a passion for learning, an orderly mind, and boundless energy keep the work flowing in. Here, the self-confessed ‘extroverted nerd’ shares his pathway to success. The life […]
It’s Not Work: One Treasurer’s Dream Becomes an Entrepreneurial Reality
Peter Zmidzinski’s career as a treasurer inspired him to develop a new digital risk management platform to help businesses make more informed decisions about their counterparties. TMI talked to the founder of SwissMetrics about developing his idea, bringing it to market, and the lifestyle changes that came with his move. Many people have great business […]
Wired for Treasury
My Life in Treasury: Kemi Bolarin Kemi Bolarin, Head of Treasury, Europe, GXO Logistics Inc, has a passion for digital transformation. She believes the arrival of APIs, AI, and RPA in treasury will bring renewed power to the role. But there’s a growing need for softer treasury skills too, as she tells TMI. Having joined […]
Retirement of John Laurens
Head of Global Transaction Services, DBS Bank John Laurens will be retiring from DBS at the end of 2021 after seven years of committed leadership to establish the bank’s transaction banking franchise as a global leader in digitalisation, trade, cash and securities services. John has stepped down as Group Head of Global Transaction Services, passing […]