Payment System Switchover: Corporates Must Take Their Heads Out of the Sand to Avoid a Crisis
ISO 20022 will have a huge impact on the corporate community, yet it’s not being given sufficient attention. Here’s why. From Australia to the US, payment system infrastructures worldwide are undergoing fundamental modernisation. More than 70 countries – including China, India and Japan – have already adopted ISO 20022, the new payment messaging format. Others, […]
Leading the Way with ISO 20022 Adoption
Eleanor Hill (TMI) is joined by Rajesh Vedantham (Standard Chartered) to explore the impact of ISO 20022 and the efforts being made to drive adoption of this new payments standard. Don’t miss the key steps corporates need to take for successful ISO 20022 adoption, and the best practices around implementation. You’ll also hear views on […]
The Empire Strikes Back: New Revolution in Payments
The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) is an integration initiative that is the cornerstone of Europe’s efficient financial market. It comprises 36 countries, including several that are not members of the EU. SEPA enables financial transactions (both in cash and without a physical currency) without barriers. Its benefits regarding the ease of doing business across […]
ISSB’s Standards are a Major Boost for Market Transparency on Sustainability
The recent launch of the International Sustainability Standards Board’s (ISSB’s) two standards for sustainability-related financial reporting – covering general requirements (IFRS S1) and climate-related disclosures (IFRS S2), respectively – is a major milestone in raising the status and promoting the standardisation of sustainability-related financial reporting globally. The ISSB has already received support from bodies such […]
Listing Rules Reform: UK Debt Capital Market Set for a Boost?
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is embarking on the most significant set of reforms in the UK capital markets in a generation, the aims of which include improving investor access to non-equity securities (i.e. bonds). If implemented, these could see retail investors being able to access regulated and typically investment grade bonds on the primary […]
What the EU’s Instant Payments Agreement Means for Corporates
Following the EU’s provisional instant payments agreement, Laurent Descout, Founder and CEO of TMI Innovation Lab entrant Neo, takes a closer look at the legislation, exploring its implications for corporates. The European Council and European Parliament struck a provisional agreement towards the end of 2023 requiring all payment service providers (PSPs) operating in the EU […]
Will Financed Emissions Proposals Stop Your Access to Funding?
If you’ve not yet heard about financed emissions, get ready to do your homework. They are about to become a key part of banks’ lending decisions and could potentially put pressure on corporate access to capital. Michelle Horsfield, Executive Director, SMBC Group, explains the basics. Financed emissions is a metric that apportions emissions to a […]