Latest Rémy Cointreau Articles

Cash & Liquidity Management
Connectivity Means Continuity

Calastone Connect Forum 2020 Calastone’s Connect Forum 2020 brought together a quartet of treasury professionals to discuss the role of technology in enabling more efficient cash management while managing risk. With all...

Treasury Strategy & Transformation
Solving Treasury Pain Points Through Co-creation

Despite huge advances in technology, treasurers are still grappling with fundamental issues in their everyday workflows. Buzzwords alone are not enough to solve challenges such as...

Getting Real about Diversity & Inclusion in Treasury

A recent roundtable discussion hosted by TMI saw five industry experts debate the best way to move the needle on diversity and inclusion in treasury. The freewheeling conversation...

Treasury as a Force for Good

Corporate social responsibility and diversity and inclusion are growing parts of the treasurer’s remit. TMI’s recent Treasury4Good Awards highlighted some of the innovative projects taking place in this space, stimulated...

Making Sustainability the New Normal: TMI’s Treasury4Good Awards

TMI’s Treasury4Good Awards We are delighted to introduce the winners of our inaugural Treasury4Good Awards, which recognise the...

When Will CSR Become BAU for Treasurers?

More and more treasurers are getting involved in CSR (corporate social responsibility) initiatives. Not only financing them but also embedding them into treasury processes and...

Treasury Strategy & Transformation
Agenda 2018: What’s Keeping Treasurers Awake at Night?

It’s that time of year when a crystal ball would be incredibly useful. As we navigate through the first quarter of 2018, Eleanor Hill, Editor, asks five leading treasurers what...

Latest Rémy Cointreau Podcasts

The Corporate View – EuroFinance 2019

At the 2019 EuroFinance conference in Copenhagen, TMI interviewed a number of key players for an exclusive three-part edition of TreasuryCast featuring insights into three distinctive areas in the treasury space.