Deloitte response to the EU Referendum result

Published: June 24, 2016

David Sproul, chief executive of Deloitte UK, said: “The British public have spoken and made clear that they see the UK’s interests best-served by leaving the European Union. While the UK has opted for a future outside the EU, Britain remains a competitive, innovative and highly-skilled economy and an attractive place for business. However, as indicated by today’s market volatility we are likely to see a period of uncertainty. Businesses need to ensure they are set up to navigate the immediate risks and impacts of an exit, and have the processes and people in place to manage a period of upheaval.

“Against this backdrop of uncertainty, British businesses must continue to be proactive in finding ways to raise productivity and drive growth. The UK remains a world leader in R&D and a hub for innovation. This will help businesses capitalise on the opportunities and respond to the competitive threats created by the leave vote. They must also play an active role in setting a vision for a new, post-EU environment which is open, pro-growth and delivers prosperity and opportunity for all.”

Ian Stewart, chief economist of Deloitte UK, added: “Negotiating and implementing Britain’s withdrawal from the EU is huge task. But in tackling it our nation can draw on great strengths. The UK is in the top tier of the world’s most competitive economies. We have strong institutions and a highly skilled workforce. Our economy is a magnet for inward investment and enjoys one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe. The UK faces a period of uncertainty and of great change. But the resilience and dynamism of our economy and institutions will be huge advantages as we start to navigate a prosperous future outside the EU.”

Article Last Updated: November 26, 2020