Sibos University makes its debut in Boston

Published: July 24, 2014

New Sibos stream features leading academics from Harvard, MIT, Bentley and other universities addressing key topics of importance to the global financial industry

Brussels – Sibos introduces Sibos University, a new stream focusing on research and insights from academics around the world. Sibos University is a one-day stream produced by the SWIFT Institute, featuring leading academics from Harvard, MIT, Bentley, and other universities. The academics will give 30-minute lectures on a wide range of topics, such as data privacy, big data, mobile money, regulation, women in finance, and financial inclusion.

Notable academics participating in this year’s Sibos University include:

  • Renée Adams, Professor of Finance and Commonwealth Bank Chair in Finance - University of New South Wales
  • Michael Barrett, Professor of Information Systems & Innovation Studies – Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
  • Ron Berndsen, Endowed Professor of Financial Market Infrastructure and Systemic Risk - University of Tilburg and Head of Oversight Department, Cash & Payment Systems Division - De Nederlandsche Bank
  • Susan Christoffersen, Associate Professor, Finance - Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
  • Peter Cowhey, Dean, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, Qualcomm Chair in Communications and Technology Policy - University of California, San Diego
  • Michael King, Assistant Professor of Finance and Bank of Montreal Faculty Fellow - Ivey Business School, Western University
  • Tom Kirchmaier, Lecturer in Business Economics and Strategy, Manchester Business School and Senior Fellow, Financial Markets Group - The London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Andrei Kirilenko, Professor of the Practice of Finance - MIT Sloan School of Management and Co-Director, MIT Center for Finance and Policy
  • M. Lynne Markus, the John W. Poduska, Sr. Professor of Information and Process Management - Bentley University
  • Hester Peirce, Senior Research Fellow - Mercatus Center, George Mason University
  • Robert Pozen, Senior Lecturer - Harvard Business School and MIT Sloan School of Management and Senior Fellow - Brookings Institution

This stream showcases thought leadership from leading academics at some of the world’s most prominent universities. Academic research aids in the thinking and shaping of the financial industry by central banks, regulators and other policy makers. It also informs industry practitioners, giving them new insights into issues impacting their business.

Must attend sessions, include:

Data Privacy – 29 September at 9:30
Lecture on data privacy in international trade agreements, and the future of cyber security and regulation.

Demystifying Regulators and Regulations – 29 September at 12:30
This panel session aims to demystify the various regulations and regulatory players impacting the financial industry today. This session will highlight some of the key issues for global banks having to comply with often conflicting regulations; and some new thinking on how to interpret regulations.

Women in Finance: Myths versus Research Truths – 30 September at 12:30
Lecture debunking four myths commonly held to be truths concerning boardroom diversity. Understanding what is myth and what is fact in the debate about boardroom diversity is important for boards, companies, investors and ultimately women.

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Article Last Updated: November 26, 2020