
June 2024 7 Min Read

Received Wisdom

Infosys’ Executive Vice President of Finance and BNP Paribas reprisantatives explore the value of a global receivables purchasing facility.


June 2024 23:39

How Infosys and BNP Paribas Created a Strategic Receivables Purchasing Programme

Eleanor Hill (TMI) invites Deepak Bhalla (Infosys), David Tilley and Rajeev Rathi (BNP Paribas) to share the lowdown on an impressive receivables purchase facility established by Infosys.


October 2023 41:45

Unlocking Cash Through Supplier-led Solutions

Maurice Benisty (Demica) and Ingmar Bergmann (IMB Consulting) explore the fundamentals of trade receivables finance and trade receivables securitisation.


October 2023 10 Min Read

Tools of the Trade

Maurice Benisty (Demica) and Ingmar Bergmann (IMB Consulting) explore the essentials of trade receivables finance and trade receivables securitisation.


September 2023

Balance of Trade: Supplier-led Solutions for Unlocking Cash Now

Our expert panel reveal how to unlock sources of capital, optimise cashflow and ultimately reduce risk within trade relationships.

June 2023

Balance of Trade: Supplier-led Solutions for Unlocking Cash Now

Monday, 4 September 5.30am PT/ 8.30AM ET/ 2.00pm BST/ 3.00pm CEST Join this session to discover: How solutions such as trade receivables finance and trade receivables securitisation can offer value Expert guidance on finding a balance between supplier-...


April 2023 7 Min Read

Receivables Financing

The execution of B2B customer open accounts receivable financing can be a minefield, so it is vital to prepare for such a facility from all angles.


April 2023 12 Min Read

The Award Winners Looking After NATO’s Cyber Defence Cash

Deniz Ates (the NCI Agency) discusses the vital role that treasury plays in supporting a key NATO division.


December 2022 9 Min Read

Cash Insight: a Tale of Augmented Collections

Insight Enterprises is a Fortune 500 global IT solutions integrator. With its finance function managing around 10,000 invoices per day on the back of nearly $10bn in revenues, Lynn Willden, Senior Vice President Finance, Treasury and Tax, Insight Enterprises, knew the...


December 2022 6 Min Read

AR Plus Technology Equals Resilience

Ben Sepehri, Director (Taulia) examines the increasingly useful role that technology has to play in bringing key AR metrics under control


December 2022 6 Min Read

AR vs Inflation – Bringing Back Control

With cash flow concerns having risen rapidly up the agenda, a sharp but balanced approach to AR is essential.


October 2022 9 Min Read

Technology’s Co-Starring Role in Supply Chain Transformation

In the final article of this three-part series taking a working capital perspective on some of the foremost issues of the day, experts from SAP-owned fintech, Taulia – Blake Evans, Head of Sales for Americas, Alexander Mutter, Managing Director EMEA, and Steve...