Cash & Liquidity Management
Published  7 MIN READ

C’est Magnifique!

Revolutionising French Social Security with a TMS

Managing an entire country’s social security contributions is a major responsibility and a complicated task. France’s URSSAF Caisse Nationale has overhauled its tech infrastructure to implement a new TMS to remove complexities from its cash management and drive greater efficiencies in its payment processes.

Previously known as ACOSS (Agence Centrale des Organismes de Sécurité Sociale), URSSAF Caisse Nationale (Unions de Recouvrement des Cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d’Allocations Familiales) facilitates the gathering and distribution of France’s social security contributions as well as managing the comprehensive social safety framework.

Loïc Girard, Treasury Project Manager, URSSAF Caisse Nationale, explains: “As operator of essential services in France, it is imperative for us to recover social security contributions on wage-earning funds to meet social benefits linked to retirement, health, poverty, and unemployment.”

Previously, the department relied heavily on software that was becoming increasingly complex to manage and customise to its operational needs, particularly considering the scale of the flow volumes involved (€1500bn cash flow annually). In order to ensure that the organisation’s vital work was as efficient as possible and future-proofed, it took the decision to look for a new cash management system.