Labelled Bonds’ Use of Proceeds: Transparency and Ambition Needed
Marina Petroleka, Global Head of Research, Sustainable Fitch, discusses green, social and sustainability bonds’ contribution to environmental and/or social impacts and the level of transparency and ambition in project or target selection, based on Sustainable Fitch’s ESG Ratings data. Sustainable Fitch’s ESG Ratings provide a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the impact an issuing entity […]
Swapping Vanilla for Green
ESG’s Expanding Role in Trade Finance Sustainable finance has formed strong roots in the loan and bond markets, but where does it stand in the world of trade? Societe Generale’s Charline Profillet, Deputy Head, Structured Trade Finance, and Marie-Gabrielle de Drouas, Head of ESG Global Transaction Banking, shine a light on its developing role. Trade […]
Transition Finance Gap Remains Amid Uncertainties
The purpose of transition finance is to fund the improvement of carbon-intensive activities in pursuit of a more sustainable world. This contrasts with green finance, which is used by companies or projects already considered as being green. Transition finance is one of several tools developed in recent years to align global financial flows with a […]
Gas, Oil and Revolvers: an ESG Success Story
Diversified Energy Company recently converted its existing traditional $300m reserve base lending facility into a sustainability-linked reserve-based revolver – one of the first of its kind. The conversion incorporated some demanding environmental and social KPIs. John Crain, Vice President of Treasury, Diversified Energy, recounts the experience to TMI. When it comes to matters of sustainability, […]