
July 2024 15 Min Read

Uncertainty Principle

This year’s ACT Annual Conference opted to boost treasury’s role in saving the day, going for the theme of Tomorrow’s Treasurer: Thriving in Uncertainty.


December 2022 9 Min Read

Roche’s Breakthrough for Cash Pooling in Saudi Arabia

Roche’s group treasury worked with BNP Paribas and the local regulator to successfully implement a first-of-its-kind cash pooling solution in the country.


August 2022 5 Min Read

Keeping all the Plates Spinning

15 Critical Regulatory Changes for European Treasurers Much like the sound of thunder follows a fork of lightning, financial regulation tends to follow a crisis. With European treasurers still adjusting to the post-Covid reality coupled with war in Ukraine, the...


July 2021 4 Min Read

The 1920s Roared After a Pandemic – Will the 2020s Do the Same?

The Roaring Twenties were driven by technological progress, developments in economic infrastructure, and defined by a flowering of post-pandemic parties and an explosion of economic activity. Sound familiar? Christoph Gugelmann, Co-Founder and CEO, Tradeteq, explores...


March 2021 14 Min Read

Regulatory Round-up with the EACT

The European financial regulatory environment is one of the most homogenised in the world and yet it still forces corporate treasurers to stay constantly alert for local nuances, revisions and wholesale changes. With the current European Parliament’s term running...


March 2021 3 Min Read

From Ancient Rome to the Digital World

The second instalment of Standard Chartered’s Regulatory Readiness Series for Corporates explores the impact on treasury of the regulatory necessity to respond to immediate threat while delivering on long-term planning needs. Rome was not built in a day. As with...


October 2020 10 Min Read

Cash Pooling: Well Worth the Cost of Compliance

Independent treasury consultant Bas Rebel picks his way through the ‘minefield’ of fiscal and regulatory reforms surrounding cash pooling and examines the advantages and challenges to prove the overall benefit case of this method of liquidity management is still...


September 2019 3 Min Read

Are Banks Safer Now than During the Global Financial Crisis?

The outcome of the global financial crisis of 2008 – 2010 led regulators and central banks the world over to re-look at the way banks are regulated and governed. So what exactly has changed in the South African context? Basel III requirements The Basel Committee...


September 2019 3 Min Read

Corporate Treasurers’ Investment Strategy: The Collateral Frontier and Search for Yield Pick-Up

The Holy Grail of a corporate treasurer is to unlock yield pick-up, be adequately diversified and make sure that deposits are protected and secure. This quest has been difficult as cash-long corporates have...


November 2018 5 Min Read

Risk Homeostasis and the Hamster

“My hamster died last night … it fell asleep at the wheel.” – Anonymous Homeostasis refers to some regulating process that keeps an outcome close to a target by compensating for external disturbances; core bodily temperature is an example of being...


November 2018 9 Min Read

The Challenges and Opportunities of FRTB

 Major South African banks have rather timidly started their journey towards implementing the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB), the most significant transformation of the trading market risk framework for the last 20 years. This new capital...


October 2018 14 Min Read

The Added Value of Centralised Cash Management under BEPS

What would be the correct price (i.e., the arm’s length transaction) of a cash transaction under BEPS (Base Erosion Profit Shifting) Actions 8-10? That’s a key question which every treasurer of an international group needs to address. The right answer is far from...