Swapping Vanilla for Green
ESG’s Expanding Role in Trade Finance Sustainable finance has formed strong roots in the loan and bond markets, but where does it stand in the world of trade? Societe Generale’s Charline Profillet, Deputy Head, Structured Trade Finance, and Marie-Gabrielle de Drouas, Head of ESG Global Transaction Banking, shine a light on its developing role. Trade […]
Shifting From Aid to Trade is the Key to Africa’s Sustainable Future
Jolene Abshire, Sector Head for Development Organisations, Absa Group, discusses the shifting dynamics of donor funding for Africa in recent years, explaining how moving from traditional aid to trade-centric models can help the continent to support its own initiatives, economy, and resources. Donor funding to Africa is shrinking as budgets dwindle. Global crises, such as […]
Why Investors Need Climate Change Probabilities Not ‘Certainties’
Current climate-change scenarios, while effective for policy development, are of little use to investors, and could even be increasing jeopardy. TMI talks to a climate risk scientist from the EDHEC Risk Climate Institute about the issue, and a possible solution. The precision with which financial projections based on climate-change scenarios have been presented is dangerous, […]
Labelled Bonds’ Use of Proceeds: Transparency and Ambition Needed
Marina Petroleka, Global Head of Research, Sustainable Fitch, discusses green, social and sustainability bonds’ contribution to environmental and/or social impacts and the level of transparency and ambition in project or target selection, based on Sustainable Fitch’s ESG Ratings data. Sustainable Fitch’s ESG Ratings provide a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the impact an issuing entity […]
ISSB’s Standards are a Major Boost for Market Transparency on Sustainability
The recent launch of the International Sustainability Standards Board’s (ISSB’s) two standards for sustainability-related financial reporting – covering general requirements (IFRS S1) and climate-related disclosures (IFRS S2), respectively – is a major milestone in raising the status and promoting the standardisation of sustainability-related financial reporting globally. The ISSB has already received support from bodies such […]
Will Financed Emissions Proposals Stop Your Access to Funding?
If you’ve not yet heard about financed emissions, get ready to do your homework. They are about to become a key part of banks’ lending decisions and could potentially put pressure on corporate access to capital. Michelle Horsfield, Executive Director, SMBC Group, explains the basics. Financed emissions is a metric that apportions emissions to a […]