Amol Dhargalkar

Managing Partner and Chairman, Chatham Financial


Exposure Meter

Is volatility in commodity pricing simply accepted, or can treasury leverage its understanding of mitigation processes and financial tools to add value?

Managing Counterparty Risk in OTC Derivatives

Managing Counterparty Risk in OTC Derivatives by Amol Dhargalkar, Director of Corporate Advisory Services, Chatham Financial Prior to early 2008, managing counterparty risk across derivatives was low on the list of factors that most firms considered in the hedging and...


Hedging Strategies for a Perfect Storm

Turbulent times call for strong financial risk mitigation. Amol Dhargalkar, Managing Partner and Chairman, Chatham Financial, tells TMI that hedging strategies should now become the centre of attention. Against a backdrop of rising inflation and interest rates, tightening monetary policy, and currencies...

5 Strategic Moves Treasurers Should Make in 2022

As 2022 shapes up to be a volatile year, evidenced by equity prices and surging interest rates, inflation and changing labour market dynamics have introduced unforeseen challenges. Amol Dhargalkar, Global Head of Corporates, Chatham Financial, outlines five strategic...