AFTE “Association Française des Trésoriers d’Entreprise” is the oldest association of corporate treasurers in the world. Created in 1976, it represents around 1,400 members, including 1,000 corporate treasurers or financial managers of approximately 800 industrial and commercial companies.
425 members are based in the Provinces.
There are also 400 correspondent members (mainly bankers).
– Technical committees:
AFTE’s primary activity. These committees are forums concerning treasury management and corporate finance as well as sharing companies’ knowledge and expertise.
– Representation of corporate treasurers:
AFTE has always been an active partner in the development of Paris as a financial centre. It sits, as full member, in many official Boards.
AFTE is a founder member in 1996 of the International Group of Treasury Associations (IGTA), and in 2002 of the European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT).
– Conferences:
One of the association’s major assets. They give the opportunity of forums, either in Paris or in the Provinces. One of the main meetings is the AFTE’s 2 days annual conference.
– Publications:
Publications of technical committees (“Cahier technique“) and AFTE’s monthly letter (“La Lettre du Trésorier“).
– Training center:
AFTE provides training courses in treasury management and financial markets. And education in partnership with Pantheon Sorbonne.
you must be:
– A treasurer or finance manager
– A banker, consultant or IT supplier
-A student in either treasury or finance
Jean-Claude Climeau,
Telephone: 33 142 8153 98
Email: [email protected]