- Global Survey Shows Lack of Automation and System Integration
New York – Seventy-six percent of respondents to a recent Reval survey of more than 150 financial professionals say they are not calculating their daily cash positions automatically, leaving real-time cash visibility an elusive goal. Reval, the leading global provider of a scalable cloud platform for Treasury and Risk Management (TRM), conducted the survey in EMEA, North America and APAC in the second quarter of 2015.
According to the Reval survey, financial professionals use two tools on average to determine the daily cash position. Two-thirds say they are using spreadsheets, ERP systems, and bank portals in addition to their treasury management systems to determine their cash positions. As little as 20 percent of respondents access only their treasury management system to determine this key figure.
“The lack of integrated systems is a behind-the-scenes culprit for many organizations trying to calculate their daily cash positions in real-time. Also, with manual intervention, you always risk error,” says Tracey Ferguson Knight, Director of Solution Consulting at Reval. Over 600 clients globally use Reval’s cloud platform for integrated cash and risk management.