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24 September 2018

Liquidity Management Portal: Finance at Your Fingertips

Cash & Liquidity Management 4 Min Read

...download data, emailing subsidiaries for spreadsheets of cash positions, then aggregating and normalising all the resulting information, before trying to analyse, forecast, decide and act. By automatically aggregating the necessary...

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24 September 2018

Liquidity Management in Asia-Pacific: Change and Opportunity

Cash & Liquidity Management 7 Min Read

...support of a global banking partner that can offer the necessary regulatory intelligence, network, products and tools to facilitate a flexible and responsive liquidity management strategy.    Notes 2 https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-usa-tax-repatriation/corporations-may-dodge-billions-in-u-s-taxes-through-new-loophole-experts-idUKKBN1F035Q   ...

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18 September 2018

Act now to address FED's interest rate end game, says GTreasury

...up to the CFO and the Board, so being able to present and argue your case is important,” he said. To view the webinar on demand, go to http://resources.gtreasury.com/Interest-Rate-Volatility-Recording-Reg.html.    ...

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14 September 2018

Nordea's open banking goes live in Sweden

...Information Service (AIS) API where they can retrieve account information details and initiate payments through the Payment Initiation Service (PIS) API. The end users, Nordea customers, will be able to...

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13 September 2018

BofA Merrill Introduces Mobile Wallets for Business Cardholders

...a person’s credit or debit card. Mastercard must provide the person’s actual card number to certain transit merchants (e.g., subway systems) in order to process real-time transactions.      ...

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10 September 2018

BELLIN GTB Hub App now offers QR code-based account verification

...verify account details has given people peace-of-mind. We’re now making their security even more effortless”, explains Miroslav Sokolovic, Senior Manager GTB Services. Click here to visit the BELLIN website.  ...

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1 September 2018

Liquidity Management: A Whole New World

Cash & Liquidity Management 8 Min Read

...http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/05/02/millennials-stand-out-for-their-technology-use-but-older-generations-also-embrace-digital-life/ 17 https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/271741 18 https://yourstory.com/2016/11/millennials-changing-traditional-workspace/ 19 https://www.nasdaq.com/article/op-ed-why-millennials-migrate-to-blockchain-technology-and-cryptocurrency-in-droves-cm927714 20 https://thefinancialbrand.com/67833/artificial-intelligence-millennials-digital-mobile-banking/ 21 https://www.theglobaltreasurer.com/2018/06/14/make-way-for-the-millennial-accounts-payable-activist/ https://www.onedigital.com/blog/tech-savvy-millennials-shaping-21st-century-workplace/ https://www.business.com/articles/tech-savvy-millennials-at-work/ 22 https://www.gbm.hsbc.com/insights/consumer-brands/digital-innovation 23 https://www.theglobaltreasurer.com/2018/06/14/make-way-for-the-millennial-accounts-payable-activist/ 24 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAP_HANA https://www.scmp.com/business/banking-finance/article/2140428/hsbc-spends-us23b-digital-platforms-ai-and-new-technology https://www.globalcustodian.com/hsbc-outlines-17-billion-technology-investment-plans/ https://www.finextra.com/newsarticle/32183/citi-spends-more-on-tech-than-all-vc-investment-in-us-fintech https://www.kyriba.com/why-kyriba/treasury-cloud http://www.mas.gov.sg/Singapore-Financial-Centre/Smart-Financial-Centre/Project-Ubin.aspx 25 https://www.ibm.com/blogs/cloud-computing/2018/06/06/ibm-sap-cloud-partnership/ 26 https://www.forbes.com/sites/larryalton/2017/12/28/5-ways-millennials-will-transform-the-workplace-in-2018/#2695cd24558d https://www.nbcnews.com/better/business/7-ways-millennials-are-changing-workplace-better-ncna761021 https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2017/10/10/millennials-are-requesting-these-workplace-changes-to-thrive/#2905f3b550be...

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1 September 2018

Sustainability in Treasury: A View Beyond Financing

CSR & ESG 8 Min Read

...leads to the conclusion that treasury can make a real difference to sustainability goals and can start working on implementing changes.   Notes [7] https://www.nrdc.org/media/2018/180103 and http://wwwen.ipe.org.cn/MapBrand/Brand.aspx?q=6 [8] https://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/corporate-social-responsibility-should-include-cyber-security [9]  https://www.manpowergroup.com/millennials [10] https://www.morningfuture.com/en/article/2017/08/16/millennials-csr-companies-responsible/60/  ...

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1 September 2018

Time to Get Up to Speed with Instant Payments

Cash & Liquidity Management 14 Min Read

...less mature markets.”  Regardless of geography, instant payments (the terms ‘real-time’ and ‘instant’ payments are used interchangeably in the market) present a new way to do business for everyone. They have...

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1 September 2018

Latin American Cybersecurity: A Fast-Growth Priority

Risk Management 13 Min Read

...working relationship can add significant value for a corporate trying to develop, implement or extend a cybersecurity strategy.     Notes 8 https://www.verizonenterprise.com/resources/reports/rp_DBIR_2018_Report_execsummary_en_xg.pdf 9 http://docs.apwg.org/reports/apwg_trends_report_q4_2017.pdf 10 https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/security-awareness-course-design-best-practices/#gref 11 https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/microsoftsecure/2018/01/23/overview-of-rapid-cyberattacks/    ...

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1 September 2018

Is Your Company Protected from Cyber Threats?

Risk Management 6 Min Read

...each action knows their role within the process (compliance, audit, security, treasury, IT, banks, legal, corporate communications etc.). It is recommended that you regularly test the process to confirm the...

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1 September 2018

Levelling Up: The Digital Future of Transaction Banking

Treasury Strategy & Transformation 9 Min Read

...between customers, third-party banks, infrastructure providers and regulatory authorities. Of course, blockchain – or distributed ledger technology (DLT) – is receiving a lot of attention too. It’s highly applicable to manual,...

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