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8 October 2019

Investing in Latin America: Today’s Energy Market Transformation

Country & Regional Focus 11 Min Read

...prosper. [1] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP), E&P Sector in Brazil [2] Reuters, Latin American nations compete for capital in surge of oil auctions [3] Reuters...

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23 September 2019

SWIFT Enables Payments to be Executed in Seconds

...sending cross-border payments from 9 countries (Australia, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Thailand and United States) into Europe via 5 banks. A speed of 41 seconds has already...

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18 September 2019

Corporate Treasurers’ Investment Strategy: The Collateral Frontier and Search for Yield Pick-Up

Cash & Liquidity Management 3 Min Read

...is agreed, it is routed automatically to Strate’s collateral management engine, with straight-through processing.  Unlock the benefits of tri-party repo. Contact Strate today. Kelly Robinson Manager: Collateral Management Services [email protected]...

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18 September 2019

Advantage Evolution

Treasury Technology 9 Min Read

...application programming interfaces (APIs), machine learning, process robotics, and visualisation tools. Other digital technologies (e.g. blockchain applications and virtual assistants) are evolving more slowly and appear less likely to gain...

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18 September 2019

IBOR Transition: Challenges and Impacts for Corporate Treasurers

Regulation & Standards 11 Min Read

...(15+ countries including Egypt, Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, Zambia, Mozambique, Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana), Middle East, Europe, UK, Singapore and Hong Kong. He is a board member of the IMD alumni association,...

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18 September 2019

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) – Know Your Options

Treasury Technology 5 Min Read

...short, it’s code-free, non-disruptive, non-invasive, and easy to use. However, with any new technology risks are initially high, skilled resources are scarce and mistakes can be costly. RPA as a...

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18 September 2019

Let’s Do the Time Warp Again…

Risk Management 7 Min Read

...your e-mail. Companies thrive on this, we are all ‘connected’ 24/7. Politicians do, too – regular bouts of Twitter fodder have become mainstream. As an example, I struggle to count...

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18 September 2019

TUHF Leverages Kyriba for Mission-Critical Debt Management

Treasury Technology 3 Min Read

...in New York, with offices in San Diego, Paris, London, Tokyo, Dubai and other major locations. TreasuryONE is the local reseller and implementation partner of Kyriba.For more information, visit www.kyriba.com....

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18 September 2019

Acquisition Finance: Oiling the Wheels of Business Deals

Banking 7 Min Read

...value drops to R80bn (184 deals) compared with H1 2018 of R135bn (208 deals) – a 41% drop in value and 12% in number. Generally the relatively lower valuations, compared...

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18 September 2019

Technology is Key to the Treasury of Tomorrow

Treasury Technology 7 Min Read

...in real time, and through a uniform, centralised system. Apart from facilitating business growth and expansion by giving the organisation the security of established, technologically advanced treasury functions, irrespective of...

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18 September 2019

Futureproofing Treasuries - Is it Possible?

Treasury Strategy & Transformation 7 Min Read

...dollar for every dollar that they invest. Other corporate treasuries use futures, forwards and derivatives, both regulated and over-the-counter (OTC) instruments, depending on their location. Risk management strategies have also...

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11 September 2019

Citi Launches Fintech Challenge for Transaction Banking

...September, at which point judges will vet the submissions through calls, in-person meetings and evaluations of the solutions. For more information on how to enter, visit the competition page:  https://www.citibank.com/tts/forms/pitch-to-progress/form.jsp ...

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