Published  32:27

Tackling the Complexities of IBOR Transition

TMI’s Ben Poole speaks to Shaun Kennedy (Associated British Ports), Tassos Dimopoulos (Salmon Software), and Svenja Schumacher (Deloitte), who provide listeners with everything they need to know about the upcoming transition from IBOR to risk-free rates (RFRs). Our guests provide advice on how companies can reduce reliance on IBOR and consider how the transition will affect the global financial marketplace.


  • Ben Poole
    Editorial Team, Treasury Management International (TMI)


  • Shaun Kennedy
    Group Treasurer, Associated British Ports
  • Tassos Dimopoulos
    Director of Project Management, Salmon Software
  • Svenja Schumacher
    Assistant Director – Treasury Advisory, Deloitte


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