
May 2018 10 Min Read

Strength in Numbers: Delivering the Power of Digital in MENA

Digital disruption is exploding across the Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan and Turkey (MENAPT) region. With some of the highest smartphone penetration rates in the world, digitisation across these markets is being driven by new technologies, consumers, governments...


November 2017 12 Min Read

Pondering Payments

Ten years ago, the collapse of Lehman Bros and the rampaging financial crisis that followed started at Sibos. Despite the whirlwind that followed, the eye of the storm, in a room full of the world’s bankers, was eerily silent. The lights at the Lehman booth were,...


November 2017 4 Min Read

Open Banking: Levelling the Digital Playing Field for Treasuries of Tomorrow

Digital platforms have begun to penetrate industries and alter supply chains. As traditional companies digitise their business models, transactional and financial flows will undergo a paradigm shift impacting treasurers and banks alike. Open Banking is perhaps the...


November 2017 6 Min Read

The 2018 Forecast: Wear Sunscreen, Take Your Umbrella

Steve Elms continues his annual series in which he outlines his thoughts for the year ahead. In recent years, the focus has been managing risk and improving efficiency during an extended period of uncertainty and turbulence. As Steve describes, the forecast for 2018...


November 2017 5 Min Read

Consumer Brands and Retail Sector Receivables in the US: A Mixed and Changing Landscape

Consumer Brands and Retail (CBR) receivables management in the US currently presents some very diverse narratives. On the one hand, a substantial percentage of B2B receivables are now electronic and can therefore potentially be automatically reconciled. On the other,...