
May 2020 31 Min Read

A Treasurer’s Survival Guide: Moving Past Covid-19

With the coronavirus pandemic impacting economies, businesses and individuals, TMI asks what treasurers can do to help their organisation weather the storm. In this no-nonsense guide, we take a pragmatic look at best practice during times of crisis, ranging from...


March 2020 7 Min Read

The Future of Cash Management

These are interesting times for cash management. Traditional business models, for clients and their partner banks, are evolving, with digitalisation a core driver. This is occurring at a time when macroeconomic factors, including the effects of the continuously...


March 2020 8 Min Read

When Black Swans Turn Green

The coronavirus (Covid-19) is the latest black swan to blight the financial markets. But it’s not only black swans that treasurers need to recognise the importance of – grey and green swans are equally deserving of attention. In his 2007 book The Black Swan: The...