
July 2024 18:26

BAT Restructures Debt Portfolio With Bold Bond and Buyback Transaction

Daniel Wong (BAT) talks to Ben Poole (TMI) about the successes gained from BAT’s $5bn bond issuance.


February 2024 5 Min Read

Listing Rules Reform: UK Debt Capital Market Set for a Boost?

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is embarking on the most significant set of reforms in the UK capital markets in a generation, the aims of which include improving investor access to non-equity securities (i.e. bonds). If implemented, these could see retail...


July 2023 10 Min Read

Treasurers Ease Off ESG Pedal as Headwinds Take Their Toll

Tough times coupled with concerns over ESG is causing treasurers to think twice before committing to debt financing in support of low-carbon projects.

The Urgent Case for a European Rating Agency Article

June 2022 6 Min Read

The Urgent Case for a European Rating Agency

Guillaume Jolivet, Scope Group, argues that European corporates and governments should no longer be shoehorned into the one-size-fits-all US model.


June 2021 4 Min Read

Debunking Supply Chain Finance Myths

Supply chain finance has evolved in recent years, yet fallacies surrounding what it is, which types of businesses it’s aimed at, and what it’s for persist. In practice, supply chain finance (SCF)  is a tool to help fortify relationships between companies within a...


May 2021 7 Min Read

Schuldschein: Helping SITA Rebuild the Airline Sector

When global air transport infrastructure provider SITA was seeking to extend its cash buffers, Germany’s Schuldschein market caught the eye of its Group Treasurer and Finance Director, Andrea Sottoriva. TMI talks to him about how issuing debt mid-pandemic has been a...


February 2021 6 Min Read

Revenue Indices Could Save Airlines (and Other Sectors) Billions

The airline industry, currently subject to an extraordinarily challenging trading environment, could be about to save billions of dollars every year in financing costs if a new set of benchmarking indices rally market support. Skytra, a wholly-owned Airbus subsidiary,...


July 2020 7 Min Read

Beyond the Covid-19 Shock: Revisiting Capital Allocation

As the challenge of surviving Covid-19 gives way to the potential for growth, how can CFOs and treasurers make sure they’re ready for any opportunities that lie ahead? For corporates, the next phase of the Covid-19 challenge is beginning. After a conversation...


September 2019 3 Min Read

TUHF Leverages Kyriba for Mission-Critical Debt Management

Headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, TUHF Limited is an inner-city commercial property financing company that lends to local business owners with the vision and tenacity to develop affordable rental accommodations. However, due to its successful growth...


August 2010 3 Min Read

Introduction to Greenwich Leader Awards 2010

Among the proliferating numbers of business awards made every year to companies around the world, the annual European and Asian Leader Awards from Greenwich Associates are especially highly regarded by recipients and voters alike. TMI is delighted to introduce a...