
October 2020 6 Min Read

The Resilient Treasury: Optimising Strategy in the Face of Covid-19

No sooner had treasury departments signed off on their 2020 strategy plans than Covid-19 transformed priorities and shifted the conversation around treasury. With treasurers having had six months to readjust, TMI speaks to Ole Matthiessen, Global Head of Cash...


September 2019 11 Min Read

IBOR Transition: Challenges and Impacts for Corporate Treasurers

South Africa’s major corporates seem not to have awakened yet to the fact that in a few years interbank offered rates (such as LIBOR and JIBAR) will transition to alternative reference rates. This transition will be one of the most significant transformations of...


August 2019 13 Min Read

Money Market Fund Makeover Innovation in Short-Term Investments

The doom-mongering around money market fund regulation has now stopped. Instead, talk has moved on to low interest rates, credit quality, digital investment channels, and the rise of environmental, social and governance investment criteria. Treasurers are also...


November 2018 9 Min Read

The Challenges and Opportunities of FRTB

 Major South African banks have rather timidly started their journey towards implementing the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB), the most significant transformation of the trading market risk framework for the last 20 years. This new capital...


September 2018 11 Min Read

Navigating the New Liquidity Landscape: Putting Cash in Its Place

From money market fund (MMF) reform to new technologies, the way in which treasurers manage liquidity is evolving – or rather, it should be. Here, TMI examines some of the key changes happening in the liquidity landscape across Europe, the US and Asia. Industry...