
May 2008 5 Min Read

GasTerra and Deutsche Bank: Finding New Cash Management Efficiencies

GasTerra and Deutsche Bank: Finding New Cash Management Efficiencies by Jan Bruintjes, Manager Treasury, Tax & Insurance, GasTerra B.V. GasTerra’s cash management needs are focused around high value domestic and foreign payments. A Deutsche Bank solution sought...


April 2008 4 Min Read

The Really Fat Years are Over for Now

The Really Fat Years are Over for Now by Dr. Ralph Solveen, Dep. Head Economic & Commodity Research, Commerzbank AG In the past few months German sentiment has grown more sober as more and more people realise that the high growth rates of 2006 and 2007 are unlikely...


April 2008 3 Min Read

German Treasuries Face up to the Crisis

German Treasuries Face up to the Crisis by Robin Page, Chief Executive, Treasury Management International The title of the article from Barclays Global Investors in this Supplement -’Weathering the Storm’ – is an indication of the attitudes of...


April 2008 6 Min Read

Cost Savings, Audit Trail, Best Execution and STP at Lufthansa Group Treasury

Cost Savings, Audit Trail, Best Execution and STP at Lufthansa Group Treasury TMI discusses the impact of e-trading and STP within the treasury team with Roland Kern, Head of Treasury at Deutsche Lufthansa AG Roland Kern has been Head of Treasury of Lufthansa German...


April 2008 5 Min Read

Weathering the Storm

Weathering the Storm Jonathan Curry, Head of Cash Management, EMEA and James Finch, Head of Cash Sales, EMEA, Barclays Global Investors Ltd The recent market turmoil has created new challenges for clients with large cash balances to manage. The origin of these events can be...


April 2008 10 Min Read

Lessons in Securitisation from the Sub-prime Crisis

Lessons in Securitisation from the Sub-prime Crisis by Thomas Mairer, MBA, Branch Manager Porsche Corporate Finance GmbH Porsche Holding GmbH’s subsidiary company, Porsche Bank AG, primarily offers car finance in Austria and seven Eastern European countries. In...


April 2008 6 Min Read

Choosing a Genuine Safe Haven for Your Cash

Choosing a Genuine Safe Haven for Your Cash An increased focus on security and liquidity Until the credit crunch of late summer 2007, markets were awash with cheap money. The resulting yield compression led risk to be significantly undervalued. Now as the fallout of the...


April 2008 7 Min Read

Würth’s Successful SEPA Start

Würth’s Successful SEPA Start TMI talks to Claus Wild, Project Manager Introduction SAP-BCM, Würth, about his company’s implementation of SWIFT as an early adopter of SEPA accompanied by Commerzbank AG How was your payments business organized before...


April 2008 4 Min Read

Corporate Banking in Germany – but which bank to bank on?

Corporate Banking in Germany – but which bank to bank on? by Georg Ehrhart, Partner, SLG Every two years Schwabe, Ley & Greiner (SLG), the leading treasury consulting company, conducts the most comprehensive survey in Germany on banking relationships and corporate...


April 2008 4 Min Read

Journey into the Unknown – Internal auditing in the treasury function

Journey into the Unknown – Internal auditing in the treasury function by Thomas Schräder, Partner, and Birger Wriedt, Senior Consultant, at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Düsseldorf The sub-prime market has clearly shown that treasury risks were not adequately...


April 2008 4 Min Read

The German Association of Corporate Treasurers

The German Association of Corporate Treasurers by Ulrike Saitz, Operations Manager of the German Treasury Association From the beginning … The German Association of Corporate Treasurers (Verband Deutscher Treasurer e.V. or VDT) was founded in late 1997. The start-up...


April 2008 6 Min Read

Risk Management in the Money Markets

Risk Management in Money Markets: Are all cash funds created equal? by Alexander de Giorgio, CFA, Product Manager, Fixed Income, and David Rothon, Portfolio Manager, Northern Trust Before the events of August 2007, money market funds were generally perceived to be at the...