
October 2018 6 Min Read

Riding the CSR Wave: Green Bond Issuance at Thames Tideway

Thames Tideway is the largest issuer of green bonds in sterling and holds the joint-highest Green Evaluation score awarded to date by S&P globally. In this case study, Darren White, Head of Environmental Sustainability at the company, and Ines Faden, Treasurer,...


June 2018 23 Min Read

When Will CSR Become BAU for Treasurers?

More and more treasurers are getting involved in CSR (corporate social responsibility) initiatives. Not only financing them but also embedding them into treasury processes and spearheading departmental sustainability projects. Nevertheless, CSR is not yet considered...


April 2018 7 Min Read

What Makes a Payables Finance Programme Successful?

In an increasingly competitive supply chain finance ecosystem – consisting of banks, non-banks, and a combination of the two – what makes a payables finance programme ‘successful’? And how can corporate treasurers select an effective provider? Anil Walia,...