Christof Nelischer

Group Treasurer, S4 Capital


Risky Business

Outlook on Corporate Credit Quality Following a year of economic growth concerns, sticky core inflation, increasing interest rates, and a rash of bank failures, treasurers have been acting as corporate risk...

Ready for the Future? The Importance of Succession Planning

TMI talks to Christof Nelischer, about the importance of succession planning in treasury. TMI: You are an advocate of succession planning in treasury. Can you explain your rationale? CN: I firmly believe that, in general, every organisation should aim to draw on and...

How to Make a Treasury Committee Work

The treasury committee is often the cornerstone of any business. This is because it is often argued that disciplines within finance have many stakeholders and affect a variety of other functions. Therefore it is...

Going Dutch - Willis Towers Watson’s New Global Treasury Centre in the Netherlands

Following the merger between Willis and Towers Watson, the newly created Willis Towers Watson found itself in 2016 with a set of legal entities in various jurisdictions that were used for treasury transactions by the two legacy companies. It was obviously not an...

In the Crosshairs of Hackers: the Human Element in Cyber Risk

As cyber-attacks continue to dominate the headlines, corporate treasurers prove to be prime targets. Given cyber criminals want access to other people’s money, it’s natural that the treasury function makes an obvious target. The most intuitive cyber risk relating...

My Life in Treasury: Christof Nelischer, Willis Towers Watson

My Life in Treasury An Interview with Christof Nelischer, Global Group Treasurer, Willis Towers Watson Christof Nelischer, Global Group Treasurer of Willis Towers Watson, is well-known to many readers following an illustrious and varied treasury career both in Germany...

Creating Value through Pro-active Capital Management

Creating Value through Pro-active Capital Management by Christof Nelischer, Global Group Treasurer, Willis Group On 8 August 2013, Willis Group Holdings completed a $525m bond issue. The net proceeds of the offering, together with cash on hand, were used to fund a $521m...

Because It's Worth It!

It is often argued that cash flow forecasting is not worth the effort, as the time and energy needed to achieve a meaningful forecast is disproportionate. Ask an accountant about a consolidated cash flow, and you will hear a long list of reasons why it is not as simple as...

TMS Implementation at Fiberweb

TMS Implementation at Fiberweb by Christof Nelischer, former Group Treasurer, Fiberweb Fiberweb plc is one of the world’s largest and leading suppliers of high performance, specialty non-woven fabrics. One of the ways it seeks to drive profitable growth and enhance...