Cindy Murray

Global Corporate Banking eCommerce Executive, Bank of America Merrill Lynch,


A Data-Led Approach to Automation and Analytics

A Data-Led Approach to Automation and Analytics by Cindy Murray, Head of Global Treasury Product Platforms and Digital Channels, Bank of America Merrill Lynch As this year’s conference season progresses, one of the questions I am asked most regularly in panel...

Control and Consistency are Possible through eBAM

Control and Consistency are Possible through eBAM Reducing manual, paper-based processes can also provide more transparency and security, which are vital in the global economy Featuring Cindy Murray, eCommerce Portal Executive, Global Corporate Banking, Bank of...

Leader: Efficiency Through Innovation

Efficiency through Innovation by Cindy Murray, Global Corporate Banking eCommerce Executive, Bank of America Merrill Lynch In the wake of the global financial crisis, corporations and other businesses have heightened their focus on how to reduce risk, optimise working...