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1 June 2012

Reform of Credit Rating Agency Regulation in Europe: An End-investor Perspective

Tax, Accounting & Legal 11 Min Read

...(UK) Limited (authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority). Registered office: 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London, EC2N 2DL. Registered in England No. 2020394. Tel: 020 7743 3000. Tel: 020 7743...

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1 June 2012

Pioneering SWIFT Corporate Connectivity in China

Uncategorised 4 Min Read

Pioneering SWIFT Corporate Connectivity in China by Wang WeiXing, Product Manager and Zhou MuYang, Product Manager, Cash Management, China Merchants Bank At China Merchants Bank (CMB) we have a long...

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1 June 2012

财务主管的看法:集中化 (The Treasurer's Voice: Centralisation)

Uncategorised 1 Min Read

...如图4所示,建立对流动性和风险的更佳可见性和控制力是集中化项目最为重要的驱动因素,其次是运营效率和营运资本优化。这些调查结果与之前的研究项目高度一致,Filipe Simao概述道, “朝着更佳可见性和控制力发展的这一清晰趋势,丝毫不令人惊奇。甚至在2008年9月危机前,我们已看到财务主管寻求强化这一领域,以响应合规要求,例如《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》,以及不断演变的最佳操作观点。 “提高运营效率的趋势也是一个重要方面。通过消除人工操作,财务部能够向价值链上游提升,从战略上对企业做出更大贡献。” 他又说道, “同样,SEPA仅是目前少数公司的重要驱动因素,这也不奇怪。然而,SEPA和即将废弃不用的银行通信平台,往往能有效地促进变革,使财务主管能加以利用,以为企业增加进一步价值。” 他总结道, “很少答卷者将成本节省视为重要驱动因素,这可能令人惊讶,事实是多数项目需要带来投资回报。” 因此,成本节省似乎是证明项目合理性的必备要素,但是战略上的好处可能是变革的重要驱动力。 5. 集中化项目的挑战 集中化项目往往具有令人信服的商业理由以及可论证的成功,但任何在区域或全球范围有众多持分者的项目,都不可避免地存在挑战和困难。如图5所示,答卷者遇到了一系列问题。50%以上的答卷者将内部抗拒视为主要挑战,这在Filipe Simao看来并不奇怪, “几乎没有人喜欢变化,特别是当它意味着移交职责或限制自主权,因此,有力的管理层授权、持续的沟通以及不断证明财务部如何增加价值,是至关重要的。实际上,对比这一统计数据与其它IT或变革管理项目中的感知挑战,会很有趣。” 他又说道, “财政和监管上的差别似乎是最为合理的顾虑,因为它们无法通过不同的流程、技术或组织来克服。” 调查答复表明缺少银行产品、连接或第三方技术可能出人意料。由于有公司非常成功地集中化财务管理的例子,这些问题并不合理,除非某家公司没有为其需求选择合适的银行、连接平台或第三方技术供应商。当然,这往往是预算问题,但有越来越多可用的许可证模式,使小型公司能够以较低成本利用先进的解决方案 6. 管理全球流动性 由于最大比例的答卷者表示,提高对流动性的可见性和控制力是他们最为关注的问题,我们询问了财务主管首选的流动性管理技术。近50%的答卷者强调,他们更偏好每种货币的跨境实体现金池,在区域或全球层面提供对现金的完全控制,同时仍持有每种货币的余额以给开支拨款。另有25%表示了对跨境、交叉货币现金池的偏好,这使他们能够归集现金、降低汇率风险(假定他们的多数支出是用基准货币的情况下)。另有19%偏好名义现金池,业务单位维持其账户上的余额,但为利息抵消进行归集,使总现金余额能用于抵消借款或产生回报。然而,在多数情况下,公司须使用多种技术,这取决于他们运营所在国现有的规章。 7. 集中化促成因素 调查询问答卷者哪一因素将促成他们实现集中化项目的更大成功。如图7所示,最普遍的回答与IT基础设施(28%)以及管理层支持(26%)有关。这两种情况都令人惊讶,如Filipe Simao所述, “财务管理IT基础设施的不足往往被用作借口;实际上,如果财务部选用了适合其业务的技术解决方案并正确地实施,那么技术将是促成因素,而不会是妨碍因素。这里突出的第二个问题也有点令人担忧:如果项目的管理层支持不够充分,那么首先就很难知道它是如何被授权的。” 当然,可能项目指导委员会不具备合适人员去消除障碍、与当地管理层共事,以确保职责平稳过渡。但是,财务部可能面临的最为合理的问题似乎与资源、文化和监管有关。Filipe Simao总结道, “正确的资源对任何项目都至关重要,没有这些,能够实现的成效将受到限制。其次,监管限制继续带来挑战,特别是在亚洲等地区。在这些情况下,与具备专门知识和经验的银行伙伴合作,寻求如何在实现项目目标的同时遵守必要的监管规定,十分重要。最后,不能低估企业文化的重要性。推动并奖励合作和共同目标的文化,是推动区域或全球项目成功的主要因素。”   下个月:我们将找出财务主管在专业方面如何利用新技术和社会媒体。他们正在使用什么、使用或不使用的原因。哪些方面将产生影响?如果您想发表意见,请访问https://www.research.net/s/tmi-social-media...

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1 June 2012

Managing Risk, Leveraging Opportunity

Risk Management 6 Min Read

...By effectively mirroring our customers’ business functions, we can provide solutions that address the full spectrum of working capital, credit and supply chain requirements through holistic, integrated solutions. In addition,...

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2 May 2012

Cohesion and Collaboration for Financial Success

Treasury Strategy & Transformation 6 Min Read

...Challenging market conditions have forced greater collaboration and cohesion across treasury and finance disciplines, such as cash, trade, foreign exchange (FX), financing and investment. As a result, the endemic thinking...

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2 May 2012

Automating FX Dealing for Efficiency and Control

Uncategorised 4 Min Read

...typically deal online? In general, the instruments we deal are limited to spot, outright forwards and swaps in EUR, USD, CAD, GBP, MXN, RON, and PON. Stop loss or take...

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2 May 2012

German Economy - Reforms Paying Off

Country & Regional Focus 5 Min Read

...in the specific countries’ real effective exchange rates. These have risen by between 10% (Italy, Portugal) and some 20% (Greece, Ireland). This metric shows not only a smaller necessary adjustment,...

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2 May 2012

Money Market Funds in China: An Ideal Place for Your Excess Cash

Cash & Liquidity Management 6 Min Read

...2003, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) issued guidelines for MMFs. Since then, the MMF offering has grown rapidly; at present, there are 51 MMFs [1], with total assets of...

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2 May 2012

Partnering with Treasurers for Domestic and International Success

Country & Regional Focus 7 Min Read

...on its financial strength, geographic footprint and quality of solutions, but also as a local partner, with the on-the-ground presence, local support, cultural synergies and domestic solutions that they require....

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1 May 2012

Meet the Chinese Consumer of 2020

Country & Regional Focus 11 Min Read

...income groups, as their numbers and wealth grow. Our consumption model suggests that in 2010, average household spending for value, mainstream, and affluent consumers was about $2,000, $4,000, and $12,000,...

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1 May 2012

The Mobile Treasury - Fact or Fiction, Freedom or Fear?

Uncategorised 4 Min Read

The Mobile Treasury – Fact or Fiction, Freedom or Fear? by Mike Burn, Client ACCESS Product Executive, Treasury Services, EMEA, J.P. Morgan “There’s an app for that…” The development of...

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1 May 2012

Pioneering SWIFT Corporate Access in Poland

Banking 5 Min Read

...in many Polish energy companies generating heat and electricity, including Elektrownia ’Rybnik’ (Rybnik Power Plant) and combined heat and power plants in Wroclaw, Gda´nsk, Gdynia, Zielona Gora, Torun and Tarnobrzeg....

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