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1 August 2009

Managing Risk in the New Financial Climate

Treasury Strategy & Transformation 6 Min Read

...place on October 8 – 9 2009 in Paris, France. This year, the event will focus on two of treasurers’ most important priorities: liquidity and risk. In the second article...

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1 August 2009

An Interview with Travis Barker, Chairman, IMMFA

Cash & Liquidity Management 8 Min Read

...(which is binding on all members) in light of the financial crisis. Ultimately, we want the Code of Practice to be: i) A comprehensive statement of “best practice”; ii) Consistent...

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1 August 2009

Multi_Fund Portals in a Volatile and Changing World

Cash & Liquidity Management 10 Min Read

...this in a dynamic world without portal support. Treasurers also want easy and secure trading. It is not unfair to say that trading with MMFs, particularly outside the US, is...

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1 August 2009

SEB: Addressing the Liquidity Challenge

Cash & Liquidity Management 12 Min Read

...followed by intercompany netting (32%) and notional pooling (19%) (source: SEB/gtnews Cash Management Survey 2008). Inevitably, there are advantages and disadvantages to each technique, particularly due to regional variations in...

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1 August 2009

The Better the Brakes, the Faster the Car - adding value through improved ERM

Risk Management 6 Min Read

...is an initiative that, by definition, is never complete Some European companies, including RTL Group (RTLG), have decided to embrace Standard & Poor’s (S&P) initiative to assess ERM processes of...

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1 August 2009

Money Market Fund-amentals

Cash & Liquidity Management 10 Min Read

...or Fonds Monétaire à vocation internationale (International MMFs). In addition, there is a so-called “dynamic” or “enhanced” MMF sector, albeit that these are not recognised as MMFs by the AMF....

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1 August 2009

What Really Happens when a Fund Breaks the Buck?

Cash & Liquidity Management 8 Min Read

...to provide security of capital and liquidity. The fund seeks to maintain a constant net asset value (i.e. $1, €1 or £1), allowing the investor to have instant access to...

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1 August 2009

How is Your Bank Handling SEPA Direct Debit?

Cash & Liquidity Management 4 Min Read

...schemes, SDD Core (B2C, business-to-consumer) and SDD B2B (business-to-business), both of which J.P. Morgan will support. The schemes will see major providers within industries across Europe, such as telecom, media...

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1 August 2009

What Next for Cross- Border Payments?

Banking 6 Min Read

...expense payables, insurance, freight and duty payments, amongst others. Specialist operations will also have cross-border needs, such as dividends, stock options and employee compensation schemes. These issues extend not only...

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1 July 2009

Cash Management in a Credit Crisis: A Case Study

Cash & Liquidity Management 6 Min Read

...first struck. In this case study, we use a real-life example of a global insurance company and explore how treasury has dealt with the changing marketplace. Cash management background As...

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1 July 2009

Keeping the Liquidity Tap On

Cash & Liquidity Management 13 Min Read

...than they may have been in the past. Instead, they are seeking reliable, cost-effective solutions with benefits that are easy to articulate. For example, if they can centralise 80% of...

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1 July 2009

Correlation between Credit Ratings and Defaul Frequencies

Banking 7 Min Read

...entities rated ‘B’ (includes ‘B+’, ‘B’, and ‘B-’ ) in the most recent four quarters was below the 4.51% long-term average as well as the 8.10% recorded during the most...

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