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1 July 2009

A Treasurers' Dilemma

Tax, Accounting & Legal 6 Min Read

...via a derivative overlay. A big accounting angle to this issue is which hedge accounting model to use (e.g., cash flow, fair value, or net investment hedging), as well as...

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1 July 2009

Centralising Treasury and Cash Management Processes in the Volkswagen Group

Cash & Liquidity Management 5 Min Read

...Volkswagen AG decided to replace its legacy in-house cash, payment and treasury management solutions with an integrated platform based on SAP, referred to as the ‘Global Treasury Platform’. In summary,...

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1 July 2009

United We Stand, Divided We Fall:

Cash & Liquidity Management 11 Min Read

...financing, companies are still keen to accrue substantial cash buffers. As one forum attendee put it, “Cash is king, queen and prince.” In the case of anchor companies, one of...

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1 July 2009

突破机遇: 不确定时期的企业界合作 (The Great Leap Forward: Community co-operation for corporates in uncertain times)

Uncategorised 1 Min Read

...(国际标准化组织)报告服务即将推出,电子银行账户管理(EBAM)服务预计也将成为现实。提高标准化程度和采用ISO 20022 XML标准仍然是我们的首要任务。此外,我们还将支持银行和合作伙伴推广和启用2008年底推出的新服务(例如,贸易融资和支付信息自动查询)。 4. 更多企业类别 迄今为止,我们的主要目标客户一直是大企业。银行、供应商和SWIFT都准备逐步将目标转向中端市场,并已采取多项举措。法国针对中型企业的现行协议Etebac已过时,这为我们带来特别机遇。银行将通过SWIFT为这些企业提供简单、低成本的服务。大量这类中型企业有可能转换系统。 5. Sibos年会企业论坛——2009年9月15日(周二)至16日(周三),香港 这是Sibos年会连续第三年举办企业论坛,将企业、金融业界和供应商汇集到香港来,一起研讨银企领域的问题。去年Sibos维也纳年会企业论坛,与会者多达630多个。企业论坛针对的对象包括:企业财务主管、地区财务主管、资金经理、财务总监、全球银行资金管理和交易服务经理、应收应付账款业务经理、现有SWIFT企业用户以及那些想要优化其与金融机构交流平台的企业。 企业论坛议程如下: • 解密SWIFT:为何使用SWIFT,如何使用SWIFT,何时使用SWIFT; • 金融危机:企业财务主管的挑战与机遇; • 企业案例分析——亚洲企业; • 为您的企业客户提供价值; • 答问:提前预定或现场安排一对一答问; • 企业对合作型银行解决方案的要求-“企业财资管理3.0”; • 企业案例分析——全球实施。   行业动员、简便且低成本的连接、服务增值、更多企业类别,这些就是我们2009年的目标。 这一年注定是充满挑战的一年,但我们把它当成一种机遇。   更多信息请访问:www.swift.com/corporates 与我们交流请点击:www.swiftcommunity.net/corporates...

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1 July 2009

A New Dimension to FX Dealing

Uncategorised 6 Min Read

...solution. If not, the ‘deteriorated’ FX rates could cost between 0.20% up to 1.20% (at a very rough estimate), depending on maturity. On a five-year ten million USD forward transaction,...

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1 July 2009

Operational Efficiency with SWIFT at World First

Risk Management 3 Min Read

...Transfer); MT195 (Queries) and MT 942 (Intraday Transaction Statements). We went live in April 2009. Our system creates messages in the appropriate format and stores the payment until the credit...

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15 June 2009

From US GAAP to IFRS - Treasurers Beware

Tax, Accounting & Legal 12 Min Read

...qualitative test referred to in DIG G9 (i.e. reconfirming that the terms still perfectly match) is sufficient. While IAS 39 requires an entity to test effectiveness, the test does not...

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15 June 2009

Market Volatility and Financial Covenants

Tax, Accounting & Legal 12 Min Read

...follows: –                                  2008 – no         2008 – with                                  derivative         CashFlow                                                              hedge Debt to Equity                  68%               70% Ratio Total Debt /                    0.49                 0.50 Total Asset...

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15 June 2009

IFRS and Weather Risks: Now is the Time

Tax, Accounting & Legal 15 Min Read

...are not expecting additional return. Non-strategic risks under management traditionally include financial risks (foreign exchange, interest rates, commodities, energy, liquidity, credit, etc.) and operational risks (compliance, controls, continuity, reporting, etc.)....

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15 June 2009

Commodity Hedging in Europe

Tax, Accounting & Legal 6 Min Read

...warm weather, storms, floods, freezing, etc.). In the short term, no one predicts a real rebound of raw material prices. In fact, adjustment of the production is never immediate and...

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15 June 2009

Doing Well by Doing Good

Cash & Liquidity Management 10 Min Read

...“core” strategy with “eco” strategy, and stress the importance of maintaining a commercially pragmatic approach. For example, when devising a “green” product strategy, they emphasise the following common-sense messages: Meet...

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15 June 2009

39 Steps: Behind the Curtain

Tax, Accounting & Legal 7 Min Read

39 Steps: Behind the Curtain by Francois Masquelier, Head of Treasury, Corporate Finance and ERM, RTL Group, and Honorary Chairman, EACT Bankers recently criticised accounting rules, blaming them for deepening...

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