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25 October 2022

Group Treasurers' Exchange

15-16 November – Leonardo Hotel, Alexanderplatz, Berlin At the 10th annual Group Treasurers’ Exchange, 60 Group Treasurers, Directors and Heads of Treasury will be coming to Berlin to discuss how...

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19 October 2022

New Report Finds that Corporates are Ramping up FX Hedging Amidst Mounting Currency Volatility

...This was followed by demonstrating best execution (37%). Manual processes – 65% are still using manual execution processes: over a third (36%) still primarily use email for instructing financial transactions...

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19 October 2022

Hedging Strategies for a Perfect Storm

Risk Management 4 Min Read

...bringing together areas such as business units, procurement, accounting, tax, and treasury,” he explains. “Often, these are the hardest programmes to start because of supply chain contracts and limitations in...

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18 October 2022

Carbonomics 101: using science-based targets to reduce emissions – where to start?

CSR & ESG 7 Min Read

...insights to help you on your climate transition journey. [1] https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/chapter/spm/ [2] https://ghgprotocol.org/corporate-standard [3] https://cdn.cdp.net/cdp-production/cms/reports/documents/000/006/132/original/CDP_Europe_Report_-_Now_For_Nature.pdf?1646826774 [4] https://assets.bbhub.io/company/sites/60/2021/10/FINAL-2017-TCFD-Report.pdf [5] https://sciencebasedtargets.org/resources/files/Net-Zero-Standard.pdf [6] https://sciencebasedtargets.org/how-it-works#how-do-you-validate-targets-as-science-based [7] https://sciencebasedtargets.org/news/sbti-raises-the-bar-to-1-5-c [8] https://sciencebasedtargets.org/news/sbti-raises-the-bar-to-1-5-c [9] https://sciencebasedtargets.org/resources/files/SBTi-criteria.pdf [10] https://sciencebasedtargets.org/resources/legacy/2020/07/SME-Frequently-Asked-Questions_July-2020.pdf [11]...

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18 October 2022

Citizen Development: The New Productivity Engine for Corporate Treasurers

Treasury Strategy & Transformation

‘Citizen development’ is about encouraging non-IT professionals to learn software development skills. Here, Dor Haim (Kryon) questions whether, with the roll-out of low-code platforms, treasurers can really start creating their...

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18 October 2022

Managing the Impact of Rising Interest Rates and Inflation

Cash & Liquidity Management

...treasurers the world over as they consider their next actions. Tarek El-Yafi and Karen Hom (Standard Chartered) share their views on the impact of the current inflationary cycle with TMI....

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18 October 2022

Community Impact: Cash and Fixed Income Investing for Good


CNote is a tech-enabled impact investment platform – and a means for finance to be used as a “tool for economic justice”. Its focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion helps...

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14 October 2022

TMI’s View from Sibos – with Lee McNabb, NatWest

Crypto & DeFi

...from fiction, clarifying the main misconceptions about digital currencies. Furthermore, find out the key considerations around establishing crypto as an interesting asset class for treasurers, and hear key takeaways about...

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14 October 2022

TMI’s View from Sibos – with Martijn Stoker, J.P. Morgan Payments

Cash & Liquidity Management

How are corporate treasurers’ liquidity needs changing given today’s high interest rates and inflationary pressures? Eleanor Hill (TMI) invites Martijn Stoker (J.P. Morgan Payments) to take a fresh look at...

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14 October 2022

TMI’s View from Sibos – with Christof Hofmann, Deutsche Bank

Cash & Liquidity Management

Eleanor Hill (TMI) invites Christof Hofmann to take a deep dive into the latest developments surrounding payments. In this informative discussion, our guest provides guidance on the most interesting payments...

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14 October 2022

TMI’s View from Sibos – with Bruno Mellado, BNP Paribas

Treasury Strategy & Transformation

Next up joining Eleanor Hill (TMI) in the TreasuryCast hotseat is Bruno Mellado (BNP Paribas) to discuss all things SWIFT. Our guest considers what SWIFT is doing to enhance payment...

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14 October 2022

TMI’s View from Sibos – with Chris Cox, Citi

Trade Finance

Chris Cox (Citi) joins TMI’s Eleanor Hill to examine the latest developments in the trade finance space. Our guest considers the areas wherein domestic and cross-border trade processes could be...

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