Published  19:16

The Cybercrime and Fraud Threat Landscape – How Do We Keep Up?

How does a global organisation set themselves up to prevent and detect the evolving threats from cybercriminals?

To answer this question, TMI’s Eleanor Hill invites Paul Gillen, Senan Moloney, and Jo Cox (Barclays) into the virtual TreasuryCast studio. 

In this podcast, our guests get to the bottom of how the fraud landscape has developed in recent times, and identify actionable steps that treasury teams can take to prevent and detect threats. Furthermore, they consider how Insider Threat behaviour typically manifests itself.


  • Eleanor Hill
    Editor, Treasury Management International (TMI)


  • Paul Gillen
    Chief Information Security Officer, and Global Head of Security Fusion and Transformation, Barclays Europe
  • Senan Moloney
    Global Head of Cybercrime, and Barclays Cyber Fraud Fusion Centre, Barclays
  • Jo Cox
    Director of Insider Threat, Transformation, Operations and Governance, Barclays


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