Barclays has partnered with TMI to understand and share the latest challenges and opportunities for treasurers across Europe. We will be sharing some of our key insights on this page, as well as on the Barclays Corporate Banking LinkedIn channel.

Europe’s New Trading Partners: Managing FX Risks and Shifts in 2024

Treasurers must adapt to combat new challenges from an FX risk management standpoint

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Latest Articles

Foreign Exchange
Europe’s New Trading Partners: Managing FX Risks and Shifts in 2024
Treasurers must adapt to combat new challenges from an FX risk management standpoint
Foreign Exchange
Optionality and Automation
Paco De Haro and Gibran Maqsood (Barclays) consider fresh approaches to hedging, as well as where state-of-the-art automation technologies can add value.
Trade Finance
Clean, Lean and Green
Paths towards sustainable best practice within the trade finance space at a time when the ESG sphere is rapidly maturing.
Foreign Exchange
Reducing Friction in International Payments
Three experts from Barclays share their insights into creating a frictionless payments landscape.
Trade Finance
Optimising Working Capital for the Whole Business
Barclays experts explore the impact of unsettled times on working capital management and reveal the role technology has in optimising business outcomes.
Treasury Strategy & Transformation
Goodbye Goldilocks: Navigating through the Recession to Happily Ever After
While 2022 opened up a new period of economic uncertainty and instability, there is still light at the end of the tunnel.
Celebrating ESG and D&I Leaders
Meet the Treasury4Good Champions TMI’s Treasury4Good Awards, which have rapidly become a benchmark for sustainable innovation in the industry, celebrate the best ESG and D&I initiatives among corporates, banks, and technology vendors. Read on to discover how cutting-edge companies are embracing sustainability, supporting diversity, and challenging traditional ways of doing business – to the benefit…
Maintaining ESG Momentum at the Heart of Treasury
While sustainability has risen up the corporate agenda at a rapid pace, and many treasurers have taken its practices onboard, there is still more work to be done on both sides of the balance sheet. Two senior executives, drawn from Barclays’ investment and corporate banking arms, explore the challenges and opportunities presented when establishing an…
Cash & Liquidity Management
An Open Invitation to Treasury Efficiency
Practical Use Cases for Open Banking While it remains something of a mystery to many corporate treasurers, open banking is much more than a collection of acronyms and regulatory endeavours. In fact, it is the basis of an evolving financial ecosystem that holds significant potential benefits for modern treasury departments. Here, two senior leaders from…
Foreign Exchange
Transactional FX: Maximising Efficiencies and Unlocking Cash Management Opportunities
As the speed of global commerce increases, and the desire for transparency across all areas of business intensifies, more treasury teams are discovering the benefits of automating their transactional foreign exchange (FX) workflows. In this article, two senior leaders from Barclays Corporate Banking explain the drivers behind the rise – and democratisation – of transactional…

Our Latest Podcasts

Risk Management
The Cybercrime and Fraud Threat Landscape – How Do We Keep Up?
In this podcast, our guests get to the bottom of how the fraud landscape has developed in recent times, and identify actionable steps that treasury teams can take to prevent and detect threats.
Treasury Strategy & Transformation
Podcast – Demystifying the as-a-service Revolution
Adam Last and Marcus Pask (Barclays) identify how the as-a-service (AAS) model can add value to treasury functions in 2023.
Reducing Friction in International Payments: Five Steps for Treasury Teams
What are the steps that treasury teams can take to remove roadblocks in processing international payments? Daniela Eder, Gibran Maqsood, and Karsten Becker (Barclays) to answer this question.
Cash & Liquidity Management
FX Connections: Bringing Transparency to Cross-Currency Payments
Cross-border activity is growing at a remarkable rate, making FX payments a hot topic for treasurers across the globe.  In this TreasuryCast episode, Eleanor Hill asks Daniela Eder and Gibran Maqsood (Barclays Corporate Banking) to provide their key action points around FX payments in 2022. Our guests share their impressions of the technologies that can…

How Barclays can support you across Europe

Across Europe, Barclays can provide corporate banking services supported by deep local market knowledge. Barclays is supporting the European needs of global corporates with:

  • A cutting-edge, unified banking platform across Europe
  • Harmonised transaction and reporting formats
  • Unified pricing and servicing models across Europe
  • Support across standard and regional electronic channels

Watch the benefits of our European banking platform

When you’re looking for ways to streamline operations and achieve growth in your business, you need time to focus on key decisions. That’s why Barclays’ platform provides quick, consistent support for your European banking – speeding up your day-to-day, so you can spend your time on the bigger picture.

Ready to switch to Barclays Corporate Banking?

For more information on how we can support you with your European banking needs, please visit our website via the button below.

Barclays Bank Ireland PLC is registered in Ireland. Registered Office: One Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, Ireland D02 RF29. Registered Number: 396330. A list of names and personal details of every director of the company is available for inspection to the public at the company’s registered office for a nominal fee. Barclays Bank Ireland PLC is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

This information is intended only for an audience in Europe. Where readers are present in the UK it is only intended for persons who have professional experience in matters relating to investments, and any investment or investment activity to referred to within it are available only to such persons.