Foreign Exchange
Europe’s New Trading Partners: Managing FX Risks and Shifts in 2024
Treasurers must adapt to combat new challenges from an FX risk management standpoint
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Foreign Exchange
Optionality and Automation
Paco De Haro and Gibran Maqsood (Barclays) consider fresh approaches to hedging, as well as where state-of-the-art automation technologies can add value.
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Trade Finance
Clean, Lean and Green
Paths towards sustainable best practice within the trade finance space at a time when the ESG sphere is rapidly maturing.
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Foreign Exchange
Reducing Friction in International Payments
Three experts from Barclays share their insights into creating a frictionless payments landscape.
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Trade Finance
Optimising Working Capital for the Whole Business
Barclays experts explore the impact of unsettled times on working capital management and reveal the role technology has in optimising business outcomes.
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Treasury Strategy & Transformation
Goodbye Goldilocks: Navigating through the Recession to Happily Ever After
While 2022 opened up a new period of economic uncertainty and instability, there is still light at the end of the tunnel.
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Celebrating ESG and D&I Leaders
Meet the Treasury4Good Champions TMI’s Treasury4Good Awards, which have rapidly become a benchmark for sustainable innovation in the industry, celebrate the best ESG and D&I initiatives among corporates, banks, and technology vendors. Read on to discover how cutting-edge companies are embracing sustainability, supporting diversity, and challenging traditional ways of doing business – to the benefit...
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Maintaining ESG Momentum at the Heart of Treasury
While sustainability has risen up the corporate agenda at a rapid pace, and many treasurers have taken its practices onboard, there is still more work to be done on both sides of the balance sheet. Two senior executives, drawn from Barclays’ investment and corporate banking arms, explore the challenges and opportunities presented when establishing an...
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Cash & Liquidity Management
An Open Invitation to Treasury Efficiency
Practical Use Cases for Open Banking While it remains something of a mystery to many corporate treasurers, open banking is much more than a collection of acronyms and regulatory endeavours. In fact, it is the basis of an evolving financial ecosystem that holds significant potential benefits for modern treasury departments. Here, two senior leaders from...
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Foreign Exchange
Transactional FX: Maximising Efficiencies and Unlocking Cash Management Opportunities
As the speed of global commerce increases, and the desire for transparency across all areas of business intensifies, more treasury teams are discovering the benefits of automating their transactional foreign exchange (FX) workflows. In this article, two senior leaders from Barclays Corporate Banking explain the drivers behind the rise – and democratisation – of transactional...
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Risk Management
Big Game Hunting
Highlighting the latest cyber traps to avoid and outlining how treasury departments can shore up their digital defences in the face of increasing cyber-attacks.
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Cash & Liquidity Management
It’s Now or Never: Keeping Pace with Real-Time Payments
Treasurers in business-to-business (B2B) sectors can no longer write off real-time payments as ‘only fit for consumer industries’. Value limits are increasing and usage is trending upwards [1] [2]. What’s more, innovation is bringing added value – ranging from request-to-pay to confirmation of payee services and embedded real-time foreign exchange solutions. Two experts from Barclays...
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Treasury KPIs for ESG and D&I: Time to Get Serious
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives are now a boardroom priority – and an increasingly important part of the treasurer’s strategic remit. Nevertheless, only a quarter of treasury departments currently have key performance indicators relating to ESG. Helen Kelly, Head of Europe, Barclays Corporate Banking, examines the types of ESG initiatives and targets leading treasury...
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Treasury Strategy & Transformation
Smashing Banking Boundaries and Building Tech Bridges in Europe
From answering a Barclays recruitment advert in a music magazine some 30 years ago, Helen Kelly’s successful career with the bank has now seen her appointed as Managing Director, Head of Europe for Barclays Corporate Banking. Here she reflects on her professional journey thus far and explores some of the key challenges facing European treasurers...
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Foreign Exchange
Drax Highlights Core Sustainability Credentials with Novel ESG-linked FX Solution
Many treasurers are trying to find their feet in helping their companies deliver on sustainability. Having led the successful execution of an innovative project to implement ESG-linked FX derivatives for her organisation, Lisa Dukes, Director, Corporate Finance & Derivatives, Drax Group, encourages them to be bold, determined and not shy away from thinking outside the...
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Trade Finance
Trade and Supply Chain Finance: Rising Above Uncertainty
Covid-19 has changed so many aspects of life and business – global trade is no exception. With trade flows declining, and commercial payments following suit, Aoife Wallace, Head of Trade & Working Capital Europe, Barclays, and Daniela Eder, Head of Payments & Cash Management Europe, Barclays, examine how treasurers can play their part in supporting...
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Cash & Liquidity Management
Cash Management and Investment in a Shifting World
Without a crystal ball, it is difficult to predict which path the economic recovery will take. Many treasurers are therefore wondering how to manage and invest corporate cash in an optimal manner, given the uncertainty ahead. Nevertheless, Yera Hagopian, Managing Director, Liquidity Solutions, Barclays, and Daniela Eder, Head of Payments & Cash Management Europe, Barclays,...
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Foreign Exchange
Automating Transactional FX: Unlocking Efficiencies and Growth Opportunities
Prior to the coronavirus crisis, few corporates had thoroughly reviewed the way they processed their foreign currency payments. But with remote working and rapid digitisation, treasurers are starting to explore the benefits of automating their transactional foreign exchange (FX) workflows. Sat Khuntia, Head of FX Sales, Barclays Corporate, and Daniela Eder, Head of Payments &...
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Treasury Strategy & Transformation
Fast-Track Treasury: Making the Most of Digital Business Models
Reaching customers through digital channels has become a priority for organisations during global lockdown. But reaping the benefits of a digital business model requires treasury to be fully connected to the company’s overall digital strategy. Srinivas Kasturi, Head of Mass Payments and Country Product Management, Corporate Banking, Barclays, and Daniela Eder, Head of Payments &...
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Cash & Liquidity Management
New Europe Awakens: A Fresh Look at Post-Brexit Treasury
Despite the challenges, the UK’s departure from the EU is an opportunity for corporates on both sides of the channel to re-engineer treasury workflows, overhaul legacy processes, and revamp treasury models. Andrés Baltar, Head of Europe, Corporate Banking at Barclays and Daniela Eder, Head of Payments & Cash Management Europe, Barclays, share up-to-the-minute insights on best...
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Treasury Strategy & Transformation
Reaching the Next Level of Treasury Digitisation
Corporates all over the world have had to react quickly to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. In a practical sense, this has meant seamlessly switching to remote working and virtual treasury operations. The digitisation journey that treasurers have been on in recent years has played a key part in making this a success....
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Treasury Strategy & Transformation
Data-Driven Treasury: Future-Proofing Your European Flows
As businesses across Europe accelerate their digital transformations, savvy corporate treasurers have a unique opportunity to secure enriched data insights, says Daniela Eder, Head of Payments & Cash Management Europe, Barclays. In turn, this could enable treasury functions to become fitter, both operationally and financially, assuming technology budgets are deployed strategically and cybersecurity is prioritised....
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Trade Finance
Breaking Boundaries: Smart and Sustainable Supply Chain Finance
In an increasingly accountable business environment, corporates are looking for new ways to support their suppliers to adhere to sustainable and ethical standards. Alongside creative supply chain finance (SCF) solutions, treasurers are analysing how emerging technologies can assist them in making their supply chains more sustainable – in every sense. Ignoring sustainability is no longer...
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Risk Management
Is Your Company Protected from Cyber Threats?
Today’s treasury infrastructure is changing and, with it, the associated risks of data loss or fraud have multiplied. Within the security community, it is often said that it is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ you are going to be affected by a security breach. Treasurers need to ensure that controls are in place...
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