
July 2024 28:54

Building a High-Performance Treasury Team

Chris King (Dukes & King) shares actionable insights for treasurers from the the ACT’s recent Annual Conference.


June 2024 16:56

A New Framework for ESG

While global standardisation around ESG is still a work in progress, a recent innovative framework developed by Societe Generale can help to increase transparency and credibility in this space.


June 2024 16:50

Embracing Diversification with MMFs

Sandrine Rougeron, Patrick Siméon, and Patrick Carletto (Amundi) consider the headline trends in the MMF space.

May 2024

Societe Generale Launches a Sustainable Global Transaction Banking Framework

The framework will help clients assess and monitor the environmental and social impacts of their day-to-day working capital, trade, and liquidity.


May 2024 10 Min Read

A New Framework for ESG

A recent innovative framework developed by Societe Generale can help to increase transparency and credibility in ESG standardisation.


May 2024 17:02

Sustainability Trends in Asian Supply Chains

Terence Yong and Sameer Khan discuss recent and anticipated sustainability trends in Asian supply chains.


January 2024 9 Min Read

Why Investors Need Climate Change Probabilities Not ‘Certainties’

Current climate-change scenarios, while effective for policy development, are of little use to investors, and could even be increasing jeopardy. TMI talks to a climate risk scientist from the EDHEC Risk Climate Institute about the issue, and a possible...


January 2024 4 Min Read

Labelled Bonds’ Use of Proceeds: Transparency and Ambition Needed

Marina Petroleka, Global Head of Research, Sustainable Fitch, discusses green, social and sustainability bonds’ contribution to environmental and/or social impacts and the level of transparency and ambition in project or target selection, based on Sustainable...


October 2023 20:02

Shaping Up and Shipping Out: Payments Trends Boosting Business

Dany Eder (Baclays) provides insight into the potential future of the payments landscape and how this is shaping global finance as a whole.


October 2023 12:55

ESG/DEI and Treasury – Where Next?

Standard Chartered’s Michael Spiegel discusses how treasurers can navigate the obstacles contributing to sluggish ESG progress.


October 2023 14:02

International Trade and Supply Chains Face a Changing Reality

Eleanor Hill invites Vivek Ramachandran (HSBC) to discuss ever-evolving landscape of global trade.


September 2023 4 Min Read

Cheaper, Faster and Sustainable: Digital Trading Goes Live

In the ever-evolving landscape of corporate finance, the Electronic Trade Documents Act 2023, which received Royal Assent in July and will be in operation from September 20, stands as a monumental milestone, poised to reshape the way corporate treasurers manage...