Published  16:50

Embracing Diversification with MMFs

The security, liquidity, and yield offered by MMFs enable treasurers to look beyond bank deposits, while ESG MMFs can help support broader organisational goals. 

In this podcast, Sandrine Rougeron, Patrick Siméon, and Patrick Carletto (Amundi) consider the headline trends in the MMF space – including regulation and security, and explain why it is imperative for contemporary treasurers to maintain a diversified portfolio.


  • Ben Poole
    Editorial Team, Treasury Management International (TMI)


  • Sandrine Rougeron
    Global Head of Corporate and Corporate Pension Fund Clients, Amundi Asset Management
  • Patrick Siméon
    Head of Money Market, Amundi Asset Management
  • Patrick Carletto
    Co-Head of Money Market, Amundi Asset Management


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