
February 2022 21:00

FX Connections: Bringing Transparency to Cross-Currency Payments

Cross-border activity is growing at a remarkable rate, making FX payments a hot topic for treasurers across the globe.  In this TreasuryCast episode, Eleanor Hill asks Daniela Eder and Gibran Maqsood (Barclays Corporate Banking) to provide their key action points...


January 2022 10 Min Read

Bats at the Ready! – Navigating Treasury Curve Balls in 2022

Expecting the unexpected is de rigueur these days. So, we asked Peter Cunningham, Managing Director, Head of Corporate and Public Sector Sales, EMEA, Citi, to stand in left field, gaze into his crystal ball, and give us his predictions for the challenges and opportunities...


January 2022 6 Min Read

How to Make Your TMS the Ultimate Investment Tool

Automation is making inroads into corporate treasuries – but according to Calastone’s Chief Revenue Officer, Ed Lopez, much more work needs to be done to modernise treasury management, reduce costs and human error, and meet new compliance and ESG standards. Treasury...


January 2022 7 Min Read

Unlocking the Value of BaaS: New Marketplace Dynamics

What will be the impact of banking-as-a-service (BaaS) and embedded finance on different players in the treasury ecosystem? To help answer this question Finastra brought together a panel of experts at Sibos 2021, held virtually from 11-14 October. The panellists...


January 2022 7 Min Read

BNP Paribas Connects Webasto Korea to the Global Family

When Germany-headquartered international automotive supplier Webasto Group decided to acquire its long-standing Korean joint venture partner Donghee, some major changes were needed within the local finance function. International banking partner BNP Paribas helped deliver a globally standardised, efficient, and secure cash management operation. Sometimes in business...


January 2022 4 Min Read

Why B2B Marketplaces are a Gamechanger for Treasurers

Business-to-business marketplaces are on the rise in almost every business sector. As the shift to digital sales requires a new payment strategy and innovative technology, corporate treasurers must take the initiative and put themselves in the driving seat to...


November 2021 11 Min Read

A New Treasury Ecosystem: Leveraging the Evolution of Transaction Banking

Treasury is not an island; it is influenced and supported by the ecosystem that surrounds it. Transaction banks play a pivotal role within this network – and they are continually innovating to enable treasurers to leverage industry developments such as...


November 2021 10 Min Read

Lost in Transaction: Overcoming Payments Pitfalls

Experts from Kyriba examine common pain points and outline ways to improve payment workflows through better connectivity, control, and optimisation.


November 2021 14 Min Read

The Future of Cash Investing: A Candid Treasury Perspective

Treasury Think Tank Report An off-the-record Treasury Think Tank session earlier this year brought together an array of prominent and highly experienced treasurers from around the globe to discuss the current and future short-term investing landscape. Their views are...


November 2021 16 Min Read

We Need a Better Solution: A Treasurer’s Legacy Tech Escape Plan

The phrase ‘legacy technology’ may invoke images of ancient and unstable IT systems that must be replaced as soon as possible. But is this always the case, and how easy is it to move away from such ...


November 2021 16 Min Read

A Tale of Two Treasuries

A Guide to Successful M&As Mergers and acquisitions are never guaranteed success at any stage of the process. For their part, treasurers will typically face the practicalities of integration and transition, this bringing its own set of challenges. What can be done...


October 2021 3 Min Read

Real-time Data is Treasurers’ Top Priority

An industry survey conducted by the European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT) has revealed that treasurers are now recognising the value of the vast quantities of data at their disposal. When it is appropriately used – crunched, consolidated and analysed...