
May 2024 4 Min Read

FX Risk Elimination, Cost Savings, Centralisation 

Kantox emphasises the importance of automation for FX hedging.


April 2024 13 Min Read

Exposure Meter

Is volatility in commodity pricing simply accepted, or can treasury leverage its understanding of mitigation processes and financial tools to add value?


April 2024 11 Min Read

Europe’s New Trading Partners: Managing FX Risks and Shifts in 2024

Treasurers must adapt to combat new challenges from an FX risk management standpoint


March 2024 14 Min Read

Treasurers Debate How to Manage Cash in Volatile Times 

Treasurers from Tui, S4 Capital, PPD, Rentokil Initial, and Diploma examined how treasurers are coping with recent spikes in interest rates, and FX.


February 2024 17:53

Navigating the Economic Environment and Managing Risk

Michiel Mannaerts (PwC) provides expert advice around how treasury teams can proactively manage multiple varieties of risk and improve their hedging strategies in 2024.


January 2024 6 Min Read

Treasury’s Role in Creating a Digital Marketplace

This whitepaper outlines the steps corporate treasurers should take to create and support digital marketplaces.


January 2024 32 Min Read

How to Write a Robust Treasury Policy and Limit Unwanted Outcomes

Treasury policy is the executive mandate to the treasurer, as custodian of financial risk. This in-depth yet accessible guide explains how to get it right.


January 2024 3 Min Read

Testing the Future: FX Scenario Modelling for All

Effective control of foreign transaction fee budgets means FX scenario modelling. Danny Ross, Managing Director, Argentex, a global payment and currency risk management specialist, tells TMI why. Every business setting cost pricing or managing its budget with...


October 2023 16:28

Payments Without Borders: An Evolution Within Transactional FX

Carl Cooper (J.P. Morgan) delves into a plethora of hot topics in the transactional FX space.


September 2023

Automating FX Risk and Optimising Hedging: A Fresh Look

Experts from Dräger and Nomentia provide an overview of a project undertaken by Dräger to automate the calculations of its FX exposures.


July 2023 10 Min Read

FX and International Payments

There are proactive steps that treasurers could take today to get a better handle on their currency exposures.

July 2023

Automating FX Risk and Optimising Hedging: A Fresh Look

Wednesday, 6th September 2023 Are you measuring your FX exposures correctly? Is the process highly manual? And is your current hedging strategy really in the best shape? These were all questions the treasury team at medical technology firm Dräger asked...