
March 2020 7 Min Read

The Future of Cash Management

These are interesting times for cash management. Traditional business models, for clients and their partner banks, are evolving, with digitalisation a core driver. This is occurring at a time when macroeconomic factors, including the effects of the continuously...


May 2019 2 Min Read

People in Focus: John Gilsenan, Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers

John Gilsenan is the new Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers (IACT) representative  in  the European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT), succeeding Lorcan Travers. IACT, established in 1987, is a not-for-profit organisation with a current...


April 2018 4 Min Read

Why Ireland for Corporate Treasury?

Foreword by Lorcan Travers, 2017 President of the Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers The world of the treasurer has changed dramatically in the last ten years since the global financial crisis shone a spotlight on the need to manage risk and secure...