
May 2009 11 Min Read

The CFO’s Role in Navigating the Downturn

The CFO’s role in navigating the downturn by Richard Dobbs, Massimo Giordano, and Felix Wenger Companies—and their CFOs—may have to adapt more radically to the downturn than they now expect. A global downturn might appear to give companies with...


May 2009 17 Min Read

Treasury in Transformation

Treasury in Transformation Extracts of Treasury Strategies’ 2008Global Corporate Treasury Research Programmeby Helen Sanders, Editor Insights from North America, Europe and Asia Pacific across Research Objectives The goal of the Corporate Treasury and Liquidity...


April 2009 4 Min Read

German Treasury Feeling the Pinch

German Treasury Feeling the Pinch Corporates in Germany are facing similar problems to their counterparts across Europe, with liquidity and risk management becoming priorities, says Jens Mikolajczak, Head of Cash Management Corporates Germany in Global Transaction Banking...


April 2009 4 Min Read

Improving Cash Flow Forecasting at TRILUX GmbH & Co. KG

Improving Cash Flow Forecasting at TRILUX GmbH & Co. KG by Yvonne Wendler, Treasury Department & Oliver Thissen, Head, Finance & Legal Department Introduction to TRILUX TRILUX was first founded by Wilhelm Lenze in 1912 in Menden in the Sauerland, Germany,...


April 2009 5 Min Read

The Growth of Money Market Funds in a Changing Landscape

The Growth of Money Market Funds in a Changing Landscape by Dennis Lübcke, CFA, Executive Director, Goldman Sachs Asset Management Introduction Corporate treasurers’ approach to liquidity management has changed, especially in recent years. The first time Goldman Sachs...


April 2009 3 Min Read

Hedge Accounting in accordance with IAS 39:

Hedge Accounting in accordance with IAS 39: Driving force or impediment to economically meaningful risk management? Results of a PricewaterhouseCoopers study in collaboration with the Justus-Liebig-University at Giessen The regulations governing the accounting of...


April 2009 3 Min Read

Automating treasury at Heidelberger Druckmaschinen

Automating treasury at Heidelberger Druckmaschinen by Florian Schräder, Jasmin Hartmann and Marcus Holschuh Corporate Treasury, Front Office, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG Florian Schräder, Jasmin Hartmann and Marcus Holschuh Corporate Treasury, Front Office, at...


April 2009 28 Min Read

Doing Business in Germany

Doing Business in Germany by Prof. Dr. Dieter Endres, Service Line Leader Tax & Andrew Miles Tax Editorial Board of PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Germany For decades, Germany has been a country with a highly developed, high-cost, economy. The opportunities – but...


April 2009 4 Min Read

The Export Champion Suffers in Worldwide Recession

The Export Champion Suffers in Worldwide Recession by Dr Ralph Solveen, Deputy Head of Economic Research, Commerzbank AG The global economic crisis has hit Germany, the world’s export champion badly, and both exports and investment have plunged. The employment...


April 2009 10 Min Read

The Functions of a Corporate Treasury

At the end of 2008, Verband Deutscher Treasurer e.V. commissioned a survey to examine the functions of a corporate treasury. In addition, 142 corporate treasury job advertisements were examined and evaluated and compared to a similar evaluation performed in 2002. The...


March 2009 3 Min Read

Crisis to Competitive Advantage

Crisis to Competitive Advantage “Difficulties strengthen the mind as hard work strengthens the body”Seneca, 1st Century Roman writer by Erik Seifert, Head of Cash Management, Sweden, SEB The roots which have anchored almost every organisation have been ripped...


March 2009 14 Min Read

Looking East: The Islamic Alternative?

Looking East: The Islamic Alternative? by Helen Sanders, Editor Introduction As the global financial markets continue to be fragile and uncertain, many people are asking if there is an alternative to the market systems and practices on which we have all relied for so...