
January 2021 5 Min Read

Dealing with Distortions: Risk in the Covid Era

Investors and risk managers are staring into the abyss. Unable to use past asset pricing models to predict the immediate future they are, says Professor Riccardo Rebonato of EDHEC Business School, hamstrung by a toxic combination of politics, the current global crisis...


January 2021 7 Min Read

Whenever, Wherever: Leveraging the 24/7 Treasury Ecosystem

The era of real-time treasury is upon us – and treasurers must make the most of digital solutions and smart technologies to help embrace the 24/7 environment. Mark Smith, Head of Treasury and Trade Solutions – EMEA, Citi, provides a whistle-stop tour of the latest...


October 2020 7 Min Read

Cash Management and Investment in a Shifting World

Without a crystal ball, it is difficult to predict which path the economic recovery will take. Many treasurers are therefore wondering how to manage and invest corporate cash in an optimal manner, given the uncertainty ahead. Nevertheless, Yera Hagopian, Managing...


January 2020 3 Min Read

Changing the Rules: Redefining MMF Workflows at Drax

Turn the clock back to 2018 and manually transferring money market fund trade data between systems was taking up too much of Drax’s treasury team’s valuable time. Fast forward to today and straight-through processing of data has been achieved thanks to an exemplary...


September 2019 3 Min Read

Corporate Treasurers’ Investment Strategy: The Collateral Frontier and Search for Yield Pick-Up

The Holy Grail of a corporate treasurer is to unlock yield pick-up, be adequately diversified and make sure that deposits are protected and secure. This quest has been difficult as cash-long corporates have...


April 2019 7 Min Read

The Return of Returns: Cash is Back

Central banks across the globe have varying approaches to monetary policy, but the general direction of travel, until recently, had been the same: one of tightening. When the shape of the yield curve changes, treasurers must be prepared to respond. Jim Fuell, Head of...


December 2018 4 Min Read

Repairing Treasury’s Leaky Bucket

The steady erosion of value caused by corporates stockpiling cash as interest rates remain at record lows is becoming more evident as inflation edges higher. But solutions such as dynamic discounting could staunch the flow of cash from EMEA companies. US interest rates...


September 2018 7 Min Read

Short-term Investments: Making Sense of the Shake-up

As the implementation date for the new European Money Market Fund (MMF) rules approaches, it is time to cut through the noise around the new regulation, says Kerrie Mitchener-Nissen, Head of Product Development, International, Global Liquidity, J.P. Morgan Asset...


September 2018 8 Min Read

OceanaGold: Future-Proofing Growth

At HSBC, we partner with our clients across industries and markets, with an extensive on-the ground network of senior bankers with an in-depth understanding of their sectors. The following is a client example of our partnership in the Natural...


September 2018 11 Min Read

Navigating the New Liquidity Landscape: Putting Cash in Its Place

From money market fund (MMF) reform to new technologies, the way in which treasurers manage liquidity is evolving – or rather, it should be. Here, TMI examines some of the key changes happening in the liquidity landscape across Europe, the US and Asia. Industry...


June 2018 11 Min Read

A New Era for China Investors

The final version of the new rules for China’s CNY 100trn asset management industry has now been published by the Chinese financial regulators. In this Executive Interview, Aidan Shevlin, Head of Asia Pacific Liquidity Fund Management, J.P. Morgan Asset...


January 2018 5 Min Read

EU Money Market Fund Regulation and Share Cancellation: A Last-Minute Threat to Stable-Price MMFs?

Just as European corporate treasurers were starting to prepare for the entry into force of the EU Money Market Fund (MMF) Regulation and to understand the implications of the changes brought by it, a new obstacle has emerged that might put into question some of the...