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1 April 2011

Be Ready! Internal Controls in Treasury Departments

Tax, Accounting & Legal 5 Min Read

...internal control? According to the ICI (Internal Control Institute – www.internalcontrolinstitute.org) an internal control is:  “…a process, effected by an entity’s Board of Directors, management or other personnel (including treasury team), designed...

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1 March 2011

Supply Chain Financing: An Alternative to Bank Lending and Supplier Risk Management

Trade Finance 21 Min Read

...expect is that, ultimately, you end up with a lower cost of funding compared to traditional bank lending. Is this the case?  Kieran O’Regan, J.P. Morgan In theory, yes, over...

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1 March 2011

Implementing Technology to Achieve Group Strategy

Uncategorised 4 Min Read

...Board. Jean-Marie Laborde, Chief Executive Officer. Rémy Cointreau In the period ended 30 September 2010 (mid year results), the Group generated a current operating profit of € 81m, a significant...

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1 March 2011

The Third Act of IFRS 9: Revolution or Simple Reform of Hedge Accounting

Tax, Accounting & Legal 7 Min Read

...the same period (certainly too restrictive for corporates).  Presentation of all hedges in OCI (Other Comprehensive Items – equity account) and not only the cash flow hedges.  A hedge of...

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1 March 2011

Aligning Strategy with Client Objectives

Cash & Liquidity Management 6 Min Read

...resilient and risk-averse organisation, our clients recognise our stability and commitment to long-term, successful relationships based on mutual benefit and open communication.     For more information please contact  barclayscash™@barclays.com...

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1 March 2011

With You Across Europe

Cash & Liquidity Management 5 Min Read

...‘open for business’. We have, furthermore, ensured balance across our activities with around half of our business in retail, one-third in corporate and investment banking, and one-sixth in investment solutions....

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1 March 2011

Taking Responsibility for India's Future

Country & Regional Focus 11 Min Read

Taking Responsibility for India’s Future by Helen Sanders, Editor Talk of the ‘BRIC’ countries, an acronym much loved during the early noughties, is now all but dead. Indeed, it seems incongruous,...

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1 March 2011

Managing Cash as a Corporate Asset

Cash & Liquidity Management 5 Min Read

...aircraft charters across over 1,800 operating facilities. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, UPS’ revenues in 2009 reached $45.3bn with $3.7bn in free cash flow. The company is rated Aa3 by Moody’s and...

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1 February 2011

Can Treasurers Solve the Global Energy Crisis?

Treasury Strategy & Transformation 13 Min Read

...path to a secure, reliable and environmmentally sustainable energy system?”  International Energy Agency (IEA), November 2010 To all intents and purposes,sadly the answer must be ‘no’. For the consumer, the...

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1 February 2011

The CEO’s Guide to Corporate Finance

Banking 13 Min Read

...an executive deciding whether to undertake a project with an upside of $80 million, a downside of  -$20 million, and an expected value of $60 million. Generally accepted finance theory...

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1 February 2011

FX Industry at Regulatory Crossroads

Tax, Accounting & Legal 5 Min Read

...banks. The key market benefit of CLS, however, is that it eliminates settlement risk, which, according to an AFME/Oliver Wyman study in October 2010, accounts for 94% of maximum loss...

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1 February 2011

Ten Years of IAS 39: What Next?

Tax, Accounting & Legal 6 Min Read

...in the mind of the Board (i.e., IASC—> IASB), IAS 39 had always been a temporary measure, intended to be replaced in time by a Full Fair Value (FFV) approach....

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