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1 March 2009

Asset Financing for Competitive Advantage

Cash & Liquidity Management 5 Min Read

...term future where such projects have the potential to reduce production costs, improve productivity, increase quality at lower cost or create other competitive advantages. Over the past few years, there...

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1 March 2009

Looking East: The Islamic Alternative?

Cash & Liquidity Management 14 Min Read

...Al Ijara), project (Sukuk Al Istisna), business (Sukuk Al Musharaka), or investment (Sukuk Al Istithmar). Sukuk instruments typically replicate the cash flows of conventional bonds, and are listed on exchanges...

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1 March 2009

Optimising Collections at PT Indomobil

Cash & Liquidity Management 5 Min Read

...via the Bank’s internet-based electronic banking platform, HSBCnet, integrating with IMFI’s back office system. In this interview, Helen Sanders, Editor, talks to Jusak Kertowidjojo, President Director, PT Indomobil Finance Indonesia...

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1 March 2009

Expanding in MENA: The Deutsche Experience

Treasury Strategy & Transformation 5 Min Read

by Isaac Thomas, Director, Trade Finance/Cash Management Corporates, MENA Region, Global Transaction Banking Despite the global recession, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) continues to be a region of...

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1 February 2009

The SWIFT Return on Investment

Cash & Liquidity Management 17 Min Read

...Ed Barrie, Group Manager, Treasury, Microsoft Corporation Hans Cobben, Group Vice President, Global Payments and Messaging Solutions, SunGard Manish Jain, Global Transaction Services, Citi Thomas Martin, Head of Operations &...

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1 February 2009

RZB Special Report

Banking 13 Min Read

...of 30-40 per cent.                                                Peter Brezinschek is Head of RZB’s Economical  and Financial Research, based in Vienna. Growth revisions for 2009 Global recession bites into CEE outlook by Walter...

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1 February 2009

Using Financial Supply Chain Management to Support Working Capital at Tech Data Corporation

Cash & Liquidity Management 7 Min Read

...example, if DSO = 35 days, DIO is 45 days and DPO is 15 days, the total cash days is 65 days (35 + 45 – 15 days). Therefore, if...

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1 February 2009

Trimming the Sails: the 2009 Risk Agenda

Risk Management 15 Min Read

“A ship in port is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.” Grace Murray Hopper, American military leader, mathematician and educator (1906 – 1992) Trimming the Sails: the...

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1 February 2009

Centralisation in China

Country & Regional Focus 7 Min Read

...two factors – first, regulatory factors, i.e. can free FX conversions happen for the funds in question? If not, how can they mitigate the FX risks? If yes, then it...

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1 January 2009


Uncategorised 1 Min Read

...强调,所有受访者都认同需要外汇管制。调查结果显示,他们面对的是规则诠释方面的难题。对于国家外管局的政策在全国各地执行方式的不一致,司库们建议外管局在处理和审批方面承诺一个周转时间。 • 在准备报批支持文件方面,文书工作花费大量人力和时间,受访者面对重大资源方面的难题。他们建议采用在线解决方案,以减少文件方面的要求。 • 限制热钱流入的措施(诸如暂记账户)也导致跨国企业正常境外直接投资流入的意外延迟。受访者建议,用基于往绩的样本规模(业务实例的百分比)和内部操作风险评估(例如,外部审计师的沙宾法案合规报告)进行选择性管理,并将重点放在高风险领域。缩短将汇入外币兑换成人民币的审批时间,将减低一旦人民币再次走强的汇率风险。 • 跨国企业欢迎政府允许跨境委托贷款的新规则,但希望能清晰阐明,在地方外管局层面,批准程序是如何运作的。跨国企业还希望能允许他们进行多边净额结算,以改善流动性管理。 • 相当数量的司库(占受访者70%)想在华建立财资中心。放宽限制外币现金池与人民币现金池混合的规则,有助减低司库的流动性风险,并使建立财资中心更具吸引力。 系统自动化 与国际企业财资(中国)协会代表团一起参与会晤的还有SWIFT驻北京代表Gu Zhizhong 。他重点介绍了使用SWIFT平台和服务的好处,及其可以怎样帮助国家外管局将控制和审批操作、监管报告及跨境支付报告自动化。Peter Wong建议国家外管局应考虑向中央政府提交申请拨款报告,用于投资技术解决方案,以将现有手工操作自动化。他建议该系统还可与其他与贸易相关的部门链接,例如税务局和海关。这可形成审计追踪索引,从而能及时和安全地检查贸易记录和国际收支资料。他还建议,国际企业财资(中国)协会可邀请会员就这一设想进一步献计献策,并举了香港金融管理局利用SWIFT技术,将香港专用清算系统转变为开放系统的例子,建议国家外管局可将此先例作为参考。 Peter Wong还建议,国际企业财资(中国)协会可推动国家外管局与世界其他国家和地区的财资协会之间的交流,这些协会都是国际财资组织联会成员,而他作为该联会理事会成员,愿积极促成这方面的交流。根据建议,国际企业财资(中国)协会将定期将主要发展情况向联会成员组织报告。 自两年前开始,新加坡企业司库协会、澳大利亚财资协会和国际企业财资(中国)协会通过创立亚太区财资论坛网络,扩大了合作。逾500名司库参加了在亚洲各地举办的不同会议。Peter Wong欢迎国家外管局加入该网络,国际企业财资(中国)协会可与国家外管局分享有关会议记录。 定期拜访? 会晤结束时,国际企业财资(中国)协会代表团建议,今后能定期组团拜访国家外管局北京总部。其他代表团成员包括渣打银行交易及批发银行部董事暨项目管理主管Peter Crawley、诺基亚中国司库Frank Kouo、Johnson Controls亚洲司库 Wolfgang Ratheiser和EuroFinance 编辑主任Tom Leander。   国际企业财资(中国)协会是在中国及亚太区营商的首席财务官、企业司库及资深财经专业人士的专业团体。欲了解入会详情,请浏览网站:www.iacctchina.com;或电邮至:member@iacctchina.com 。...

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1 December 2008

Credit Crunch and the Asian Tigers

Cash & Liquidity Management 6 Min Read

...re-hiring and central banks start tightening money supply, we will then re-enter a contained bull cycle, one that we hope will continue for a long time. References: http://www.contrarianprofits.com/articles/asian-exports-continue-to-surge-despite-us-slowdown/2371 http://www.property-report.com/em_top_stories.php?id=2002&date=281008 http://www.iesingapore.gov.sg...

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1 December 2008

ING Guide to Financial Supply Chain Optimisation (Part 2)

Cash & Liquidity Management 16 Min Read

...the original creditors – i.e. the suppliers. Any additional improvement, such as: corporate guarantees; “until further notice” clauses; A direct contract of the buyer with the bank, indicating a commitment...

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