
October 2020 10 Min Read

Cash Pooling: Well Worth the Cost of Compliance

Independent treasury consultant Bas Rebel picks his way through the ‘minefield’ of fiscal and regulatory reforms surrounding cash pooling and examines the advantages and challenges to prove the overall benefit case of this method of liquidity management is still...


October 2020 7 Min Read

Rebuilding for the Digital Age

Banking Circle research has uncovered how financial institutions are rethinking the value of digital infrastructure to future-proof their business in a post-pandemic world. Anders la Cour, Co-Founder and CEO of the financial utility discusses how the crisis has...


October 2020 10 Min Read

Innovation as Usual: A New Era in Payments

The world of payments has never been so exciting. Digital payments are gaining significant traction and smart innovation is gathering pace. In the 24/7/365 world of commerce, treasurers have an opportunity to leverage these developments to help their organisation gain...


September 2020

TIS Platform


August 2020 33:12

From Business-as-Usual (BAU) to Innovation-as-Usual (IAU) for Payments

The global payments landscape continues to transform, with emerging technologies such as blockchain, internet of things, and more recently, contact-free solutions coming to the forefront with Covid-19. Eleanor Hill, TMI, chats to Atul Bhuchar, Group Payments Head, Global Transaction Services, DBS Bank, about real-life cases on how banks are leveraging on payments innovation to enable clients to go digital and to navigate the diverse, fast-changing landscape.


July 2020 8 Min Read

Automating Transactional FX: Unlocking Efficiencies and Growth Opportunities

Prior to the coronavirus crisis, few corporates had thoroughly reviewed the way they processed their foreign currency payments. But with remote working and rapid digitisation, treasurers are starting to explore the benefits of automating their transactional foreign...


July 2020 7 Min Read

Fast-Track Treasury: Making the Most of Digital Business Models

Reaching customers through digital channels has become a priority for organisations during global lockdown. But reaping the benefits of a digital business model requires treasury to be fully connected to the company’s overall digital strategy. Srinivas Kasturi, Head...


July 2020 7 Min Read

Asia’s Top Treasury Hotspots

Businesses seeking the best location for a treasury hub have to weigh up many factors ranging from tax incentives to political risk. Here, David Blair offers an insight into the pros and cons of five Asian financial centres. Asia has evolved rapidly this century,...


June 2020 7 Min Read

New Europe Awakens: A Fresh Look at Post-Brexit Treasury

Despite the challenges, the UK’s departure from the EU is an opportunity for corporates on both sides of the channel to re-engineer treasury workflows, overhaul legacy processes, and revamp treasury models. Andrés Baltar, Head of Europe, Corporate Banking at...


June 2020 5 Min Read

The Perfect Match: Combining Working Capital Solutions for Comprehensive Supply Chain Support

By Adeline de Metz, Global Head of Working Capital Solutions, UniCredit In today’s challenging economic environment, liquidity has become central to corporates’ working capital strategies. For buyers in a relatively strong position, supporting their supply chains...


May 2020 7 Min Read

Searching for a Benchmark for Idle Cash Holdings

Having money sitting in bank accounts is often the expensive result of a company’s inability to forecast its cash flows. It is time for treasurers to think again about this ‘unproductive asset’ and look for ways to measure – and improve – treasury’s...


March 2020 4 Min Read

Co-Creating a Digital Treasury: Myth vs Reality

Many discussions around treasury technology focus on the leading-edge developments made by a handful of highly sophisticated treasury functions. Meanwhile, the majority of treasury departments are struggling just to achieve the basics. Could co-creation between banks...