
February 2009 15 Min Read

Trimming the Sails: the 2009 Risk Agenda

“A ship in port is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.” Grace Murray Hopper, American military leader, mathematician and educator (1906 – 1992) Trimming the Sails: the 2009 Risk Agenda by Helen Sanders, Editor Nothing we do in life is...


February 2009 13 Min Read

RZB Special Report

Major adjustments underway in CEE by Peter Brezinschek, Head of Economics and Financial Research, RZB The slump in the global economy has now reached the CEE region. Although the domestic economies in the CEE countries are still supported by private consumption and...


January 2009 1 Min Read

PT Indomobil 优化收账操作

专访印尼PT Indomobil Finance Indonesia(IMFI)董事总经理Jusak Kertowidjojo...


December 2008 5 Min Read

Somfy SA

Valérie Binet Group Treasurer – Somfy SA  “We have not opted for hedge accounting under IAS” La Lettre du Trésorier You progressed within the business in line with its own growth? Valérie Binet Yes, that’s true. After...


December 2008 5 Min Read


Philippe Goubeault Finance Director of AGRIC and ARRCO – Secretary of AGFF “The Agirc and Arrco systems cover 18 million members, including around 3.7 million managers” La Lettre du Trésorier Your thesis at the end of your studies prepared you for...


December 2008 7 Min Read

Cash Conservatism

Cash Conservatism by Jonathan Curry, Head of European Cash Management, Barclays Global Investors, and James Finch, Head of Liquidity Sales, EMEA, Barclays Global Investors The recent market turmoil, the origin of which can be traced back to the US sub-prime mortgage...


December 2008 4 Min Read

Arkopharma – Laboratoires Pharmaceutiques

Katarina Azib Group Treasurer, Arkopharma – Laboratoires Pharmaceutiques “Few foreign exchange problems: 90% of revenues are in euros” La Lettre du Trésorier You are 32 years old, can you tell me about your career path? Katarina Azib: After I...


December 2008 9 Min Read

Money Market Funds and Corporate Treasury in France

Money Market Funds and Corporate Treasury in France by Kathleen Hughes, Head of Global Liquidity for EMEA, JPMorgan Asset Management Money market funds have been providing high levels of liquidity and security, in addition to yield, for over three decades. JPMorgan...


December 2008 5 Min Read

Limagrain Group

Dominique Fraisse Director of Treasury and Finance – Limagrain Group  “We have a dual organisational structure and finance level” La Lettre du Trésorier You were born and bred in the Auvergne region: I believe the early part of your career was...


December 2008 5 Min Read

Bolloré SA

Marc Bebon Finance and Treasury Manager – Bolloré SA  “We do not really have the cash pooling, we just have merged accounts on a scale” La Lettre du Trésorier Have you been with the group since it was formed? Marc Bebon I was extremely...


December 2008 3 Min Read

Looking Ahead: The Global Economy in 2009

Looking Ahead: The Global Economy in 2009 Richard Urwin, Head of Asset Allocation & Economics in the BlackRock Multi-Asset Portfolio Strategies Team, assesses the prospects for the global economy in 2009 As 2008 draws to a close, corporate treasurers and CFOs may be...


December 2008 7 Min Read

Managing Liquidity Risk with Outstanding Suppliers

Managing Liquidity Risk with Outsourcing Suppliers by Hilary Weatherstone, Director, Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets Although the liquidity crisis has been rumbling on in the banking sector for almost 18 months, the collapse of Lehmans in September has pushed the crisis into...