Cash & Liquidity Management
The Key to Smarter Liquidity Management: Breaking Down Silos
Treasurers must lead the charge to bring down organisational silos that stifle optimised liquidity management. To do this successfully, they have to recruit critical stakeholders from other departments to the cause through a mixture of education, communication, and technology. A treasury team’s understanding of the timing of a company’s cash flows is vital for both...
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Treasury Technology
Building a Watertight Case for Treasury Technology Investment
The shelves of the treasury technology supermarket have never been better stocked, with vendors offering everything from a TMS for the entire function through to tailored tools to support specific, and sometimes niche, processes. To take advantage of what is on offer, treasurers need to secure enough investment budget – and to do that, all...
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Treasury Technology
Exploring the Post-Pandemic Treasury Technology Frontier
One silver lining from the Covid-19 pandemic is that it has supercharged trends around treasury technology – both in the adoption of new technology by corporates and the development of cutting-edge technologies that will have treasury applications in the coming years. During a recent webinar, TMI’s Editor, Eleanor Hill, spoke with Royston Da Costa, Assistant...
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Data Analytics
Scale for Growth: Data as the Cornerstone of Finance Transformation
When a company grows through a merger or acquisition, the finance team can be faced with various legacy systems and conflicting procedures. Kim Estes, Vice President, Accounting, The Knot Worldwide, spoke during a recent TMI and Coupa webinar about how her organisation overcame these challenges and found the perfect marriage of technological transformation and streamlined...
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Embracing Supplier Diversity: Treasury Lessons from Facebook and GSK
By focusing on the diversity and inclusion elements of external relationships within the supply chain, corporates can create additional value and efficiencies. Here, treasurers are being urged to ‘roll up their sleeves’ and get involved in this potentially transformative process.  With diversity and inclusion (D&I) now well established on the corporate agenda, and companies continually...
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Cash & Liquidity Management
How to Gain Visibility and Take Control of Payments and Cash
When it comes to payments, cash, liquidity and spend management, bank system independence is both desirable and achievable. Coupa’s Rajiv Ramachandran, Senior Vice President, Product Strategy & Management, Coupa Pay, explains why and how. In a global economy, where political, social and economic uncertainties persist, the effects of such disturbances are witnessed first-hand, and on...
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Cash & Liquidity Management
All-Seeing AI: The Facts About Real-Time Cash Forecasting
A real-time view on corporate cash and liquidity positions has become crucial to optimal decision-making. Yet for many companies still struggling to aggregate their siloed data sources, this might as well be a notion from a work of science fiction. Prepare to open your eyes, says Sarah Eckstein, Product Manager, Coupa. Here’s why. There’s a...
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Treasury Strategy & Transformation
Beyond Technology in Treasury: Leveraging Community Intelligence
Running an efficient, data-driven global treasury is not just a technology play: it’s also about leveraging “community intelligence” and group-wide collaboration. Sounds too involved? It’s easier than you think, says Nikolai Diekert, Director, Product Management, Coupa. It has always been the job of the corporate treasurer to manage cash, liquidity and risk in an unpredictable...
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Treasury Technology
Fast and Furious
Coupa Fulfilling Wish List for Cross-Border Payments TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION AWARDS Solution Innovation Fast, traceable, transparent and TMS-integrated cross-border payments on a worldwide basis are a wish-list item for many corporate treasury functions. Achieving speedier payment turnarounds, complete end-to-end tracking and full transparency along the entire payment chain globally is precisely what the Coupa/SWIFT gpi...
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Risk Management
Building Resilience: Treasury’s Role in Overcoming Cyber Risk and Fraud
Remote working, and greater reliance on technology, is leading to a rapid increase in cyber-attacks and fraud attempts. Royston Da Costa, Assistant Group Treasurer, Ferguson, and Michael Juen, Chief Customer Officer, BELLIN, a Coupa company, explain how treasurers can build greater resilience against these threats – and weigh up the costs of investing in cybersecurity...
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Treasury Technology
Running a Virtual Treasury: Get Yourself Connected
Remote working has quickly become the norm for many treasurers across the globe. But are treasury departments operating optimally in a virtual world? BELLIN’s Michael Juen, Chief Customer Officer, and Michael Bach, Head of Consulting & Implementation, explain how to establish a systems set-up that is efficient and secure, while maximising treasury connectivity and productivity....
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Treasury Technology
TMS vs TMS: Let Battle Commence
In many ways, Covid-19 has been the ultimate test for treasury teams and their technology. With the spotlight firmly on treasury management systems (TMSs), treasurers are asking whether they have the best tech for the job – in a remote-working environment where instant access to ‘decision-ready’ data is critical. Is there a better TMS out...
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Treasury Technology
Optimising Treasury to Support the Business
Looking to enhance visibility over treasury data and to support an ambitious company growth plan, S&T AG decided to roll out a new treasury management system across the group. Here, Bettina Ludwig, the company’s Head of Financing, Treasury and Insurance, reveals the twists and turns of the implementation journey and shares best practices from the...
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Treasury Technology
Spot the Difference: Isn’t Every TMS the Same?
The financial turbulence resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic has emphasised the importance of a good treasury management system (TMS). And achieving data visibility at the touch of a button has helped treasurers to act strategically throughout these challenging times. But are all TMSs created equal? And is functionality everything when it comes to vendor selection?...
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Treasury Technology
The Truth About Treasury and Artificial Intelligence
It’s been a hot topic for almost every treasurer over the past year, but – hype aside – what is the true value of artificial intelligence (AI) within treasury? Nikolai Diekert, Director Product Management at leading TMS provider BELLIN, explores the concrete use cases for AI in treasury, providing a candid view on where the...
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Here Come the Winners… 2019 Awards for Innovation & Excellence
Digital disruption was one of the key drivers of treasury innovation in 2019.  As this year’s Award winners demonstrate, banks, technology vendors and fintechs have leveraged digital innovation to move the corporate treasury profession forward – delivering excellence by helping treasurers to become more efficient, operate in real-time, and contribute to the wider business in...
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Risk Management
Know Your Vendor: Fighting Fraud the Smart Way
Detecting and preventing fraud is a growing concern for treasurers, especially as operations become increasingly digital and payments are being made in real time. BELLIN has launched a new Vendor Verification tool to help treasurers to stay one step ahead of the fraudsters – and scooped a 2019 TMI Award for Innovation & Excellence in...
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Treasury Technology
Turning your TMS into a Ferrari
Consulting and implementation guidance are vital parts of any treasury management system roll-out. After all, any system is only ever as good as its users and the workflows surrounding it. But how can treasurers get the most bang for their buck when it comes to TMS consulting – and are there convincing arguments for a...
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Treasury Technology
Building Bridges to the Data Prize
The world over, treasurers are seeking improved visibility and control over their data. After all, data is the lifeblood that drives corporate treasury success. Martin Bellin, Founder and CEO, BELLIN, believes that having a tool capable of aggregating that data “has exponential utility”. Is he right, and more to the point, does it really exist?...
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Treasury Technology
Multilateral Netting Reloaded
Multilateral netting is one of the most underestimated ways to optimise intercompany payments and group performance. In this Executive Interview, Eleanor Hill, Editor, asks Martin Bellin, Founder and CEO of the BELLIN Group, to explain why multilateral netting deserves a little more attention, and how treasurers can make the most of it. Eleanor Hill (EH):...
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Treasury Technology
Best Practice TMS Implementation: Why Processes Are King
Every company is unique in its set-up, stakeholders, and workflows, meaning that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to implementing a treasury management system (TMS). What all corporates have in common, however, is the opportunity to leverage a TMS implementation project to maximise the benefits of cutting-edge technology, whilst optimising treasury processes and structures. Read on...
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Treasury Technology
Robo Treasury: Hail or Hype?
‘Robo’ treasury is one of many buzzwords that have topped headlines in recent months and caused great excitement – but also a fair bit of uncertainty amongst treasurers. If we want to believe the hype, then the treasurer’s days are numbered, and we are all to be replaced by faceless, super-efficient and infallible machines producing...
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Cash & Liquidity Management
ICRC: Payments on the Front Line
The ICRC is part of the Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement comprised of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the International Federation of the Red Cross & Red Crescent (IFRC) as well as National Red Cross/Red Crescent societies present in each country. Interventions in the wake of natural disasters – something the Red...
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Cash & Liquidity Management
How to Apply a Virtual Network Bank
When Arnold Voet took up his position in Aalberts’ treasury department, he was confronted with a group made up of a multitude of small and medium-sized companies. These units had – and were meant to have – a great deal of responsibility and entrepreneurial spirit. The main regional focus is on Europe, North America and...
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