Published  27:57

Around the (Treasury) World in 30 Minutes… Regional Insights in Belgium & Italy

Eleanor Hill (TMI) is joined by Michiel Radder and Sergio Ammassari (BNP Paribas) who reveal the latest developments in the Belgian and Italian treasury markets.

With an overarching focus on innovation, our guests consider how new cash forecasting tools are giving more autonomy back to treasurers, why more education is required around use cases for instant payments, and how banks and technology providers are reacting to the growing appetite for multifaceted offerings from treasury departments.


  • Eleanor Hill
    Editor, Treasury Management International (TMI)


  • Michiel Radder
    Head of Cash Management, BNP Paribas Fortis, Belgium
  • Sergio Ammassari
    Head of Cash Management, BNP Paribas Italy


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