
January 2019 4 Min Read

Treasury Convergence as a Launch Pad for Growth

The business world is in flux. Never has so much change happened at such a pace. Amidst it all, it has become incumbent upon the corporate treasurer to support the business in managing this change, creating order, efficiency and clarity so that opportunities can be...


January 2019 3 Min Read

Easing the FX Burden: Why Treasurers are Turning to Fintech

Treasurers and CFOs are the company commanders of foreign exchange, currency hedging, and international payments. Kantox, a leading fintech company, is helping businesses to overcome complex FX challenges with an innovative automated micro-hedging solution called...


January 2019 7 Min Read

My Life in Treasury: Chris McLoughlin, Worldpay

If you ever find yourself being interviewed by Chris McLoughlin, tell him all about the times things went pear-shaped during your working day. He values confidence, resilience and tenacity in his team members and, in return, he offers adaptability, flexibility and...


January 2019 6 Min Read

Banking Structure Redesign: An Opportunity for Cash Optimisation, Securitisation and Savings

A treasury manager is key to the growth and financial success of a business. It is their responsibility to build a banking structure that enables the business to operate with a minimum of idle cash, to aggregate its liquid funds around the globe, to take the...


October 2018 4 Min Read

Building a Network of Networks

With solutions such as revolutionising supply-chain interactions, while others, such as Project Wilson, connect correspondent banks to facilitate working capital financing, Simone Del Guerra of UniCredit discusses the shifting landscape of correspondent...


October 2018 14 Min Read

The Added Value of Centralised Cash Management under BEPS

What would be the correct price (i.e., the arm’s length transaction) of a cash transaction under BEPS (Base Erosion Profit Shifting) Actions 8-10? That’s a key question which every treasurer of an international group needs to address. The right answer is far from...


October 2018 6 Min Read

Multilateral Netting Reloaded

Multilateral netting is one of the most underestimated ways to optimise intercompany payments and group performance. In this Executive Interview, Eleanor Hill, Editor, asks Martin Bellin, Founder and CEO of the BELLIN Group, to explain why multilateral netting deserves...


September 2018 6 Min Read

My Life in Treasury: Gareth Evans, Bupa

In this interview with Eleanor Hill, Editor, Gareth Evans, Group Treasurer of the leading international healthcare group Bupa, describes how his experiences on an industry graduate training scheme gave him an appreciation of the special  perspective into...


September 2018 8 Min Read

Vive la Révolution: Shaking Up Payments and Cash Management

Driven by technological and regulatory change, the payments landscape is currently a hotbed of innovation. Deborah Mur, Head of Global Liquidity and Cash Management, HSBC France, highlights some of the latest developments – including a recent collaboration between...


September 2018 7 Min Read

Integrating Cash and Risk: A Next Generation TMS

In April 2018, TMS vendor GTreasury acquired Visual Risk, a leading risk management and treasury software company based in Australia. The goal of the acquisition is nothing less than to create the most comprehensive TMS in the market. Eleanor Hill, Editor, TMI, catches...


June 2018 7 Min Read

My Life in Treasury: Anne Catherine Sailley, Steelcase

With enough energy to light up the Eiffel Tower, Anne Catherine Sailley is busy continuously improving the Steelcase treasury function – yet still finds time to co-head the EACT’s cyber security working group and organise charitable missions in India. In this...


June 2018 6 Min Read

Shake Your Market Maker: Digital Disruption in the African FX Landscape

 Africa’s foreign exchange (FX) market may be fragmented, but it is also unencumbered by legacy trading infrastructure. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that the continent has become a hive of fintech activity and digital FX innovation. Tim Hutchinson, Head...