
September 2022 3 Min Read

Are Cross-border Payments Still Slowing Down Business?

If someone had asked this question in 2002, most of us would have felt certain that cross-border payments would be sorted out by 2022. While customer offerings for both cross-border transactions and FX have improved significantly in the past 20 years, thanks to a...


September 2022 11 Min Read

The Art of Co-creating and Co-ideating

Highlights from BNP Paribas’ European Treasury Board The key to success in the delivery of both strategic and operational treasury systems is having access to the open and honest views of stakeholders. BNP Paribas’ regular Treasury Board meetings with clients...


September 2022 12 Min Read

Sharpening the Competitive Edge

The Future of Treasury Technology Technology has played a key role in shaping corporate treasury over the past few decades, but the best is yet to come. Bank of America’s Dhiraj Bajaj, Head of Financial Institutions and Non-Bank Financial Institutions Sales, Asia...


September 2022 10 Min Read

The Need for Speed

How Treasurers are Making the Most of Instant Payments  Instant payments is a topic that receives plenty of coverage, often under the assumption that everyone wants and needs it. Is this really the case for treasurers, and if so how and where does it fit? TMI...


August 2022 5 Min Read

Keeping all the Plates Spinning

15 Critical Regulatory Changes for European Treasurers Much like the sound of thunder follows a fork of lightning, financial regulation tends to follow a crisis. With European treasurers still adjusting to the post-Covid reality coupled with war in Ukraine, the...


August 2022 8 Min Read

Making the Numbers Add Up

Frustrated by heavy reliance on manual work across a range of treasury and payments processes, the treasury team at Vectrus partnered with BNP Paribas and Kyriba to harness the power of automation to drive accuracy.


August 2022 10 Min Read

The Key to Smarter Liquidity Management: Breaking Down Silos

Treasurers must lead the charge to bring down organisational silos that stifle optimised liquidity management. To do this successfully, they have to recruit critical stakeholders from other departments to the cause through a mixture of education, communication, and...


August 2022 4 Min Read

Partners in Payment Fraud Prevention

Deutsche Bahn and Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bahn, the largest railway operator and infrastructure owner in Europe, is a complex operation stretching across 14 different business units. The firm’s treasury team worked with banking partner Deutsche Bank to create an...


August 2022 40:32

How Ocado Integrated its Treasury and Payments

In this audible case study, Ocado's Treasury Manager, Nick Oliver, alongside Bob Stark (Kyriba) Shen Lee (KPMG) and Ben Poole (TMI) explore how corporates can strengthen treasury and payment controls and enhance operational efficiencies by following an integrated...


July 2022 29:43

Retail Therapy: The Future of Shopping and Payments

Manish Jain (J.P. Morgan Payments) joins Eleanor Hill (TMI) to discuss how changing consumer habits in the retail space could impact treasurers, from payments innovation to digital developments such as Request to Pay. In this deep-dive into the future of shopping,...


July 2022 20:14

Audio TMI – 5 Treasury Megatrends

How can treasurers assess the latest industry innovations and sort genuin...


July 2022 11 Min Read

Treasury and Procurement – Closer Than Ever?

Interactions between treasury and procurement spiked during the Covid-19 pandemic, as both departments dealt with the emergency that global lockdowns triggered for corporate supply chains. As we move into the next stage of managing the crisis, strengthening engagement...