
July 2008 8 Min Read

ACTSA Anniversary Edition

“It gives me great pleasure to introduce the commemorative publication that marks a significant milestone in our Association’s history. So what do the next 20 years hold? The profile of treasury and individual treasury professionals is dependent on demonstrating...


June 2008 4 Min Read

Leader – A World of Difference

A World of Difference by Chris Furness, Global Head, Cash Management and Alex Barrett, Head of Client Research, Standard Chartered Bank Following a decade and half of generally strong growth and benign economic conditions, the world is in the midst of a very serious...


June 2008 8 Min Read

Money Market Funds: A liquid asset in volatile markets

Money Market Funds: A liquid asset in volatile markets Normally, the summer is a time for relaxation and enjoyment… but not the summer of 2007!! The fallout and repercussions of the turmoil in financial markets continue, and as yet, there is no light at the end of the...


June 2008 7 Min Read

Negotiating the RAPIDS

The Intrepid Treasurers’ Guide to Enhancing Return on Equity by Helen Sanders, Editor The credit crunch has dominated the financial headlines for what seems like an eternity. Although it must (surely!) end eventually, in the meantime treasurers are having to hold...


June 2008 9 Min Read

The Time is Now for Money Market Funds

The Time is Now for Money Market Funds Helen Sanders, Editor Regular readers of TMI’s annual Money Market Funds Guides will have witnessed the almost meteoric rise in the popularity and acceptance of money market funds (MMFs), growing from US domestic instruments to...


June 2008 6 Min Read

Satisfied or Your Money Back — are you satisfied with your treasurer?

Satisfied or Your Money Back — are you satisfied with your treasurer? by François Masquelier, RTL Group Head of Treasury, Corporate Finance & ERM, and Honorary Chairman, EACT Often the treasurer is viewed as a technician providing a service to the financial...


June 2008 4 Min Read

Cash as a Strategic Asset

Cash as a Strategic Asset As investors take a more active approach to their short-term portfolios, they must balance the potential for enhanced returns against risk and liquidity considerations. Cash, a previously under-utilised and overlooked component of most investment...


June 2008 4 Min Read

TMS Implementation at Fiberweb

TMS Implementation at Fiberweb by Christof Nelischer, former Group Treasurer, Fiberweb Fiberweb plc is one of the world’s largest and leading suppliers of high performance, specialty non-woven fabrics. One of the ways it seeks to drive profitable growth and enhance...


June 2008 5 Min Read

Boosting Returns with UK Prime Mortgage-Backed-Securities

Boosting Returns with UK Prime Mortgage-Backed-Securities An Interview with Matthew Tatnell, Manager, Aaa-rated Sterling Liquidity Fund and Sterling Liquidity Enhanced Fund, Morley The Institutional Money Market Fund Association (IMMFA) recently announced that money market...


June 2008 7 Min Read

Pitfalls of Hedge Effectiveness Testing

Pitfalls of Hedge Effectiveness Testing by Jasper Wijnands, Advisor, Ernst & Young Financial Services Risk Management Hedging can reduce the impact of negative events on assets, liabilities, firm commitments or forecasted transactions. Financial instruments in the...


June 2008 8 Min Read

Multi-fund Portals: Meeting the needs of sophisticated investors in a complex world

Multi-fund Portals: Meeting the needs of sophisticated investors in a complex world Justin Meadows, Head of Business Development, MyTreasury Ltd The last 12 months have seen the European money market fund (MMF) industry mature rapidly as it faced its first real, or to be...


June 2008 5 Min Read

Enhancing Balance Sheet Efficiency

Enhancing Balance Sheet Efficiency by Richard Bartlett, Head of Corporate Debt Capital Markets, RBS The growth of private equity (PE) fundraising, which increased every year between 2002 and 2007, and exceeded $100 bn in 2007, has been phenomenal. PE investors led the vast...